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In this lesson we follow the Hands On Labs to modify the branding elements of the app by adding images and configuring our app to use them. We learn about the Package.appxmanifest and how it introduces our app to Windows 8 and finally discuss the purpose of the App.xaml. http://media.ch9.ms/content/WinStoreAppDev_CS.zip Download the entire series source code <img src="http://m.webtrends.com/dcs1wotjh10000w0irc493s0e_6x1g/njs.gif?dcssip=channel9.msdn.com&dcsuri=http://channel9.msdn.com/Feeds/RSS&WT.dl=0&WT.entryid=Entry:RSSView:1ea017a4ee534988974aa0f5016b06ad
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