Error while sending fax using faxcomex api on win xp sp3 machine

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
Hi All,
I am using the below code to send fax. I have used faxcomex api in my code. My fax server is a win xp sp3 machine. I am running my application on this machine only. I am able to send the fax using the microsoft fax console. But when I am trying to send the
fax programatically using the faxcomexpapi I am getting the error Error No: 35, Operation Failed. For your reference I am pasting my code below. Please let me know where I am making a mistake.
<pre class="prettyprint lang-vb Dim objFaxDocument As New FAXCOMEXLib.FaxDocument
Dim objFaxServer As New FAXCOMEXLib.FaxServer
Dim objSender As FAXCOMEXLib.FaxSender
Dim JobID As Object

Error handling
On Error GoTo Error_Handler

Connect to the fax server

Set the fax body
objFaxDocument.Body = "c:DocsBody.txt"

Name the document
objFaxDocument.DocumentName = "My First Fax"

Set the fax priority

Add the recipient with the fax number 12225550100
objFaxDocument.Recipients.Add("12225550100", "Bud")

Choose to attach the fax to the fax receipt
objFaxDocument.AttachFaxToReceipt = True

Set the cover page type and the path to the cover page
objFaxDocument.CoverPage = "generic"

Provide the cover page note
objFaxDocument.Note = "Here is the info you requested"

Provide the address for the fax receipt
objFaxDocument.ReceiptAddress = ""

Set the receipt type to email
objFaxDocument.ReceiptType = FAXCOMEXLib.FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM.frtMAIL

Specify that the fax is to be sent at a particular time
CDate converts the time to the Date data type
objFaxDocument.ScheduleTime = CDate("4:35:47 PM")

objFaxDocument.Subject = "Todays fax"

Set the sender properties.
objFaxDocument.Sender.Title = "Mr."
objFaxDocument.Sender.Name = "Bob"
objFaxDocument.Sender.City = "Cleveland Heights"
objFaxDocument.Sender.State = "Ohio"
objFaxDocument.Sender.Company = "Microsoft"
objFaxDocument.Sender.Country = "USA"
objFaxDocument.Sender.Email = ""
objFaxDocument.Sender.FaxNumber = "12165555554"
objFaxDocument.Sender.HomePhone = "12165555555"
objFaxDocument.Sender.OfficeLocation = "Downtown"
objFaxDocument.Sender.OfficePhone = "12165555553"
objFaxDocument.Sender.StreetAddress = "123 Main Street"
objFaxDocument.Sender.TSID = "Office fax machine"
objFaxDocument.Sender.ZipCode = "44118"
objFaxDocument.Sender.BillingCode = "23A54"
objFaxDocument.Sender.Department = "Accts Payable"

Save sender information as default

Submit the document to the connected fax server
and get back the job ID.

JobID = objFaxDocument.ConnectedSubmit(objFaxServer)

MsgBox("The Job ID is :" & JobID(0))


Exit Sub

Implement error handling at the end of your subroutine. This
implementation is for demonstration purposes
MsgBox("Error number: " & Hex(Err.Number) & ", " & Err.Description)[/code]
Thanks and regards,
Noor <hr class="sig Thanks & Regards, Noor Hussain

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