It’s all about performance: Using Visual C++ 2012 to make the best use of your hardware | Build 2012

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
If you attend this talk, you will learn about the latest and greatest C++ performance features. All hardware being produced by Intel, ARM and AMD is now mulit-core with each core supporting a rich instruction set supporting vectorization of ordinary C++ that uses 128-bit registers. Additionally, on chip GPU’s are going through their 3rd iteration in many hardware product lines thus making general purpose computing on the GPU important. This talk provides an accessible overview of all the new hardware and how C++ allows the developer to take advantage of it. We start with the engineering of auto-vectorization and auto-parallelization for existing unaltered C/C++ programs, progress to PPL and then tie in the new C++ AMP language extensions. This is a “go-fast” talk that’s also a great intro into computer architecture and C++ compilers. <img src="

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