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Getting the following compile error in VC++ 2010
error RC1107: invalid usage; use RC /? for Help[/background]
error RC1107: invalid usage; use RC /? for Help[/background]
I am very familiar with this question being posted previously: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8912136/vc-compile-error-rc-fatal-error-rc1107-invalid-usage-use-rc-for?answertab=active#tab-top
But I have tried all the suggested solutions and non have resolved the problem. I will post below the code I have in reference to the answers from that question.
Project Properties | Configuration Properties | VC++ Directories: C:Workinginclude;$(IncludePath)
//I have tried adding a slash and deleting one (as the top rated commented suggested)
Project Properties | Configuration Properties | General
| Output Directory: .Debug
| Intermediate Directory: .Debug
//Switching these directories to $(Configuration) & $(SolutionDir)$(Configuration) does not solve issue and causes more compile errors
//Tried deleting all the files in the Release folder and rebuilding, no luck
//I have run through the solutions from: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/vcgeneral/thread/9cdaa780-cc97-498b-815e-cf23c3f3b333/
Including this solution (even though I it is reference to upgrading to VC++ 2005): Project Properties | Resources | General | Preprocessor definitions: = blank Project Properties | Resources | General | Command line | Additional Options: = /d _DEBUG /d APP_FILE /d BIN_NAME="httpd.exe" /d LONG_NAME="Apache HTTP Server" /d ICON_FILE="apache.ico" /d _VC80_UPGRADE=0x0600
//I tried "copied the command line options from the Resources section of the project properties and used them to compile in the Visual Studio Command Line Prompt". But am not totally sure how to do this so I cannot say for sure this doesnt work. get "not recognized as an internal or external command"
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Re-post from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14778587/switching-from-vc-2005-to-2010-error-rc1107-invalid-usage
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