map drive in web service

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
I have used winAPI to get map drives full path (Example if it is Z:myFolder then it should give as \ServerNameORIPMyFolder.

I have written a code in an library project, which is being called in web service.
Web service is running under windows authentication with Indentity Impersonate = TRUE. I have checked all possible configuration in IIS as well.
Could anybody guide?
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static class Pathing

DllImport("mpr.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)]

public static extern int WNetGetConnection(

MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string localName,

MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] StringBuilder remoteName,

ref int length);

/// <summary>

/// Given a path, returns the UNC path or the original. (No exceptions

/// are raised by this function directly). For example, "P:2008-02-29"

/// might return: "\networkserverSharesPhotos2008-02-09"

/// </summary>

/// <param name="originalPath The path to convert to a UNC Path</param>

/// <returns>A UNC path. If a network drive letter is specified, the

/// drive letter is converted to a UNC or network path. If the

/// originalPath cannot be converted, it is returned unchanged.</returns>

public static string GetUNCPath(string originalPath)

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(512);

int size = sb.Capacity;

// look for the {LETTER}: combination ...

if (originalPath.Length > 2 && originalPath[1] == :)

// dont use char.IsLetter here - as that can be misleading

// the only valid drive letters are a-z && A-Z.

char c = originalPath[0];

if ((c >= a && c <= z) || (c >= A && c <= Z))

int error = WNetGetConnection(originalPath.Substring(0, 2),

ref size);

if (error == 0)

DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(originalPath);

string path = Path.GetFullPath(originalPath)


return Path.Combine(sb.ToString().TrimEnd(), path);


RemoteNameInfo info =new RemoteNameInfo();
info =


return originalPath;

nilesh k

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