Need bit help regarding Fluent style coding design

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
I have develop a small classes with fluent style design for sending mail. now i want to add some more functionality in my code as a result i can attach many file before sending mail.

the code i use to send mail now is like below

var template = new MailTemplate()
.WithSubject("Error occured in CV Downloader application")

but i want to attach file like

var template = new MailTemplate()
.WithSubject("Error occured in CV Downloader application")

so i need to add file like


then tell me what i need to add in my code

here is my full code for sending mail. just have look and guide me what i need to add in my code as a result i can add attachment like above one

public class MailTemplate
string _mailBody = "";
string _subject = "";
string _From = "";
string _To = "";
bool _status = false;
string _ErrorMessage = "";

public string Body
get { return _mailBody; }
set { _mailBody = value; }

public string Subject
get { return _subject; }
set { _subject = value; }

public string MailFrom
get { return _From; }
set { _From = value; }

public string MailTo
get { return _To; }
set { _To = value; }

public bool Status
get { return _status; }
set { _status = value; }

public string ErrorMessage
get { return _ErrorMessage; }
set { _ErrorMessage = value; }

public static class MailTemplateBuilder
public static MailTemplate WithBody(this MailTemplate item, string body)
item.Body = body;
return item;

public static MailTemplate WithSubject(this MailTemplate item, string subject)
item.Subject = subject;
return item;

public static MailTemplate WithSender(this MailTemplate item, string sender)
item.MailFrom = sender;
return item;

public static MailTemplate WithRecepient(this MailTemplate item, string recepient)
item.MailTo = recepient;
return item;

public static MailTemplate Send(this MailTemplate item)
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(item.MailFrom, item.MailTo, item.Subject, item.Body);
mail.Priority = System.Net.Mail.MailPriority.Normal;
mail.IsBodyHtml = true;

SmtpClient emailClient = new SmtpClient("");
System.Net.NetworkCredential SMTPUserInfo = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("", "us450m0");
emailClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
emailClient.Credentials = SMTPUserInfo;

item.Status = true;
item.ErrorMessage = "";
catch (Exception ex)
item.Status = false;
item.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;

return item;

one more thing that how to iterates in attachment collection to get the file name with path for attaching before sending mail from Send() routine?

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