Warning for Windows Users

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ian
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Re: Warning for Windows Users

On Nov 8, 11:58 am, Ian <I...@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote:
> it is a mass mailer hack, i spoke with some one i work with from a fincancing
> company, as i had sent him informataion for someone who needed financing, he
> never got the email, as his email had been hijacked, and was sending out mass
> mailers, after i heard this, i checked the bounce back mail, i had gotten,
> and while the firstname was the same, the domain was not eveb close to the
> person i had emailed to. in fact the email address the email address which
> bounced back was sent to wasn not and had never been in my database!
> Thanks to all who were so concerned with proving me to be a fake, that they
> could not realize i was explaining something that was not normal, and
> including everything that was going on rather or not it was related to the
> actual problem, since i do not know which of the symptoms were actually
> symptoms, and which were actually unrelated. My email would not come in from
> time to time, from my boss and others, so the end result of my warning; a
> outlook hijack, that does not get stopped by security software, which uses
> your email account, to send mass mailers. Have a nice day :)
> "Paul Adare" wrote:
> > On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 17:15:00 -0700, Ian wrote:

> > > i have worked in the software industry for 3 years

> > Wow, 3 whole years. Guess that makes you an expert eh?

> > Seriously, you need to take a step back and think about what and how you're
> > posting here.

> > --
> > Paul Adare
> > MVP - Virtual Machines
> >http://www.identit.ca
> > Interface: The opposite of "Getouttamyface."

You mentioned: >>>"...it is a mass mailer hack,..." and also "...which
your email account, to send mass mailers..." These are symptoms of a
worm which antivirus detects. There are some viruses also. Spyware
installations can include SMTP (outgoing) mailer packages that are
used to broadcast out personal infomation from the machine - not
email. If indeed there are mass emails from your machine (even being
rifled by a botnet) your ISP by now would have sent you a warning that
your service will be shut down. You apparently have not received
such ? If I were you - I would call your ISP (AOL, MSN, Earethlink,
etc) immediately and explain the situation. You need to be innocent in
other words in this type of event simply living in California you
would be fined $500 for each UCE/Spam sent from your computer. You as
Owner/Operator are required by law in the USA to have made a
reasonable effort to secure your machine against threats (is a little
known TOS Agreement with all ISP's). In fact your ISP has the
corporate level tools to diagnose the problem and fix your accounts.
If you are using junk free email accounts - delete the accounts -
obviously and end of story. Best Advice ? Contact your ISP (Internet
Service Provider) immediately and report all things. There is no way
out of the problem without professional shareware and tools and
corporate level intervention. End of story. And also that way, as I
said "gets you off the hook" as you are quite resonsible for EVERY
email out of your computer. If you didn't send them, then you get a
break if indeed it is malware doing it.

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