Applications running on WIndows 8

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
I am part of a team that has written large scale business applications.
This includes AP, AR, GL, Payroll, POS, Fixed assets, IC, Purchasing, OE, Product deliveries etc.
This is one application. (Except POS that is separate).
One of my clients have AR over $1Bil/year.
Another is ready to spend arround $500K for my product.
Each install is customized to suit the Users needs.
I use I use SQL server. I use Reporting Services. Everyone has XP or Win 7 OS.
My question is this:
Will my Applications all work on windows 8?
Will my Applications still work on windows "Code name Blue"?
My problems with all the chatter is that everyone seems to think that metro, and ios, and android , and smart phones, and tablets will take over the workstation.
This is not true. While we may create some apps to run reports on smart devices, 90% of the employees will be using workstations that are running complicated software to do data entry, and handle telephone calls, and place orders. Not to run flashy Apps.
Another question is this will metro apps ever be able to securely run and display, and print reports from reporing services? Or run an sql query that returns a dataset in real time?
I have read much but cant make heads or tales from it.
If you think that I should bite the bullet and re-create my product in metro or wpf, think again.
There are many lage international banks that still use software that was written in the 70s that are still in use today. remember th Y2k issue? Banks dragged out of retirement old COBOL programmers to modify the existing code, because on that scale, it is easier, less buggy and preferred to change the existing code rather than re-write the software.
So I need to know the future if vb and .net. The real future, not a speculation.
Any comments will be apprechiated. VB and Winforms are my preferences. That is why I have posted this here.
Jerry C

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