Wolfram Alpha API Example help

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine

i am working on using the wolfram alpha api to return information that my application searches on the internet and i have looked at the example visual basic binding example found here http://products.wolframalpha.com/api/libraries.html

however oddly enough for the .net example there are 2 errors in the code and i cant figure out what the issue is. for the sake of simplicity i will only include the relevent part of the code
There are 2 modules Main.vb and the WolframAlphaEngine.vb
the errors are:
Error 1Argument not specified for parameter APIKey of Public Sub New(APIKey As String).D:........NET_Binding_1_0 (1)NET_Binding_1_0WA_WrapperMain.vb3 9WA_Wrapper


Error 2Overload resolution failed because no accessible LoadResponse accepts this number of arguments.D:.........NET_Binding_1_0 (1)NET_Binding_1_0WA_WrapperMain.vb37 9WA_Wrapper

any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Public Module WolframAlphaWrapperExample

Dim Engine As New WolframAlphaEngine

Public Sub Output(ByVal Data As String, ByVal Indenting As Integer, ByVal Color As System.ConsoleColor)
Data = New String(" ", Indenting * 4) & Data

Console.ForegroundColor = Color
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White

Dim Writer As New IO.StreamWriter(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) & "Wolfram Alpha wrapper log.log", True)

End Sub

Public Sub Main()

Try to delete the log file if it already exists.
IO.File.Delete(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) & "Wolfram Alpha wrapper log.log")
End Try

Define what our application ID is.
Dim WolframAlphaApplicationID As String = "beta824g1"

Define what we want to search for.
Dim WolframAlphaSearchTerms As String = "england"

Print out what were about to do in the console.
Output("Getting response for the search terms """ & WolframAlphaSearchTerms & """ and the application ID string """ & WolframAlphaApplicationID & """ ...", 0, ConsoleColor.White)

Use the engine to get a response, from the application ID specified, and the search terms.
Engine.LoadResponse(WolframAlphaSearchTerms, WolframAlphaApplicationID)

Print out a message saying that the last task was successful.
Output("Response injected.", 0, ConsoleColor.White)

Make 2 empty spaces in the console.
Output("", 0, ConsoleColor.White)

Output("Response details", 1, ConsoleColor.Blue)

Print out how many different pods that were found.
Output("Pods found: " & Engine.QueryResult.NumberOfPods, 1, ConsoleColor.White)
Output("Query pasing time: " & Engine.QueryResult.ParseTiming & " seconds", 1, ConsoleColor.White)
Output("Query execution time: " & Engine.QueryResult.Timing & " seconds", 1, ConsoleColor.White)

Dim PodNumber As Integer = 1

For Each Item As WolframAlphaPod In Engine.QueryResult.Pods

Make an empty space in the console.
Output("", 0, ConsoleColor.White)

Output("Pod " & PodNumber, 2, ConsoleColor.Red)

Output("Sub pods found: " & Item.NumberOfSubPods, 2, ConsoleColor.White)
Output("Title: """ & Item.Title & """", 2, ConsoleColor.White)
Output(" & Item.Position, 2, ConsoleColor.White)

Dim SubPodNumber As Integer = 1

For Each SubItem As WolframAlphaSubPod In Item.SubPods

Output("", 0, ConsoleColor.White)

Output("Sub pod " & SubPodNumber, 3, ConsoleColor.Magenta)
Output("Title: """ & SubItem.Title & """", 3, ConsoleColor.White)
Output("Pod text: """ & SubItem.PodText & """", 3, ConsoleColor.White)
Output("Pod image title: """ & SubItem.PodImage.Title & """", 3, ConsoleColor.White)
Output("Pod image width: " & SubItem.PodImage.Width, 3, ConsoleColor.White)
Output("Pod image height: " & SubItem.PodImage.Height, 3, ConsoleColor.White)
Output("Pod image location: """ & SubItem.PodImage.Location.ToString & """", 3, ConsoleColor.White)
Output("Pod image description text: """ & SubItem.PodImage.HoverText & """", 3, ConsoleColor.White)

SubPodNumber += 1


PodNumber += 1


Make an empty space in the console.
Output("", 0, ConsoleColor.White)

Make the application stay open until there is user interaction.
Output("All content has been saved to " & System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) & "Wolfram Alpha wrapper log.log. Press a key to close the example.", 0, ConsoleColor.Green)

End Sub
End Module

and WolframAlphaEngine.vb

Public Class WolframAlphaEngine

Private WA_APIKey As String

Private WA_QueryResult As WolframAlphaQueryResult
Private WA_ValidationResult As WolframAlphaValidationResult

Public Sub New(ByVal APIKey As String)
End Sub

Public Property APIKey As String
Return WA_APIKey
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
WA_APIKey = value
End Set
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property QueryResult As WolframAlphaQueryResult
Return WA_QueryResult
End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property ValidationResult As WolframAlphaValidationResult
Return WA_ValidationResult
End Get
End Property

#Region "Overloads of ValidateQuery"

Public Function ValidateQuery(ByVal Query As WolframAlphaQuery) As WolframAlphaValidationResult

If Query.APIKey = "" Then
If Me.APIKey = "" Then
Throw New Exception("To use the Wolfram Alpha API, you must specify an API key either through the parsed WolframAlphaQuery, or on the WolframAlphaEngine itself.")
End If
Query.APIKey = Me.APIKey
End If

If Query.Asynchronous = True AndAlso Query.Format = WolframAlphaQuery.WolframAlphaQueryFormat.HTML Then
Throw New Exception("Wolfram Alpha does not allow asynchronous operations while the format for the query is not set to ""HTML"".")
End If

Dim WebRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create("http://preview.wolframalpha.com/api/v1/validatequery.jsp" & Query.FullQueryString), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
WebRequest.KeepAlive = True
Dim Response As String = New IO.StreamReader(WebRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()

Return ValidateQuery(Response)

End Function

Public Function ValidateQuery(ByVal Response As String) As WolframAlphaValidationResult

Dim Document As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim Result As WolframAlphaValidationResult = Nothing
Result = ValidateQuery(Document)
End Try
Document = Nothing

Return Result

End Function

Public Function ValidateQuery(ByVal Response As Xml.XmlDocument) As WolframAlphaValidationResult


Dim MainNode As Xml.XmlNode = Response.SelectNodes("/validatequeryresult")(0)

WA_ValidationResult = New WolframAlphaValidationResult
WA_ValidationResult.Success = MainNode.Attributes("success").Value
WA_ValidationResult.ErrorOccured = MainNode.Attributes("error").Value
WA_ValidationResult.Timing = MainNode.Attributes("timing").Value
WA_ValidationResult.ParseData = MainNode.SelectNodes("parsedata")(0).InnerText
WA_ValidationResult.Assumptions = New List(Of WolframAlphaAssumption)

For Each Node As Xml.XmlNode In MainNode.SelectNodes("assumptions")


Dim Assumption As New WolframAlphaAssumption

Assumption.Word = Node.SelectNodes("word")(0).InnerText

Dim SubNode As Xml.XmlNode = Node.SelectNodes("categories")(0)

For Each ContentNode As Xml.XmlNode In SubNode.SelectNodes("category")






Return WA_ValidationResult

End Function

#End Region

#Region "Overloads of LoadResponse"

Public Function LoadResponse(ByVal Query As WolframAlphaQuery) As WolframAlphaQueryResult

If Query.APIKey = "" Then
If Me.APIKey = "" Then
Throw New Exception("To use the Wolfram Alpha API, you must specify an API key either through the parsed WolframAlphaQuery, or on the WolframAlphaEngine itself.")
End If
Query.APIKey = Me.APIKey
End If

If Query.Asynchronous = True AndAlso Query.Format = WolframAlphaQuery.WolframAlphaQueryFormat.HTML Then
Throw New Exception("Wolfram Alpha does not allow asynchronous operations while the format for the query is not set to ""HTML"".")
End If

Dim WebRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create("http://preview.wolframalpha.com/api/v1/query.jsp" & Query.FullQueryString), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
WebRequest.KeepAlive = True
Dim Response As String = New IO.StreamReader(WebRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()

Return LoadResponse(Response)

End Function
Public Function LoadResponse(ByVal Response As String) As WolframAlphaQueryResult

Dim Document As New Xml.XmlDocument
Dim Result As WolframAlphaQueryResult = Nothing
Result = LoadResponse(Document)
End Try
Document = Nothing

Return Result

End Function
Public Function LoadResponse(ByVal Response As Xml.XmlDocument) As WolframAlphaQueryResult


Dim MainNode As Xml.XmlNode = Response.SelectNodes("/queryresult")(0)
WA_QueryResult = New WolframAlphaQueryResult
WA_QueryResult.Success = MainNode.Attributes("success").Value
WA_QueryResult.ErrorOccured = MainNode.Attributes("error").Value
WA_QueryResult.NumberOfPods = MainNode.Attributes("numpods").Value
WA_QueryResult.Timing = MainNode.Attributes("timing").Value
WA_QueryResult.TimedOut = MainNode.Attributes("timedout").Value
WA_QueryResult.DataTypes = MainNode.Attributes("datatypes").Value
WA_QueryResult.Pods = New List(Of WolframAlphaPod)

For Each Node As Xml.XmlNode In MainNode.SelectNodes("pod")


Dim Pod As New WolframAlphaPod

Pod.Title = Node.Attributes("title").Value
Pod.Scanner = Node.Attributes("scanner").Value
Pod.Position = Node.Attributes("position").Value
Pod.ErrorOccured = Node.Attributes("error").Value
Pod.NumberOfSubPods = Node.Attributes("numsubpods").Value
Pod.SubPods = New List(Of WolframAlphaSubPod)

For Each SubNode As Xml.XmlNode In Node.SelectNodes("subpod")


Dim SubPod As New WolframAlphaSubPod
SubPod.Title = SubNode.Attributes("title").Value

For Each ContentNode As Xml.XmlNode In SubNode.SelectNodes("plaintext")


SubPod.PodText = ContentNode.InnerText


For Each ContentNode As Xml.XmlNode In SubNode.SelectNodes("img")


Dim Image As New WolframAlphaImage
Image.Location = New Uri(ContentNode.Attributes("src").Value)
Image.HoverText = ContentNode.Attributes("alt").Value
Image.Title = ContentNode.Attributes("title").Value
Image.Width = ContentNode.Attributes("width").Value
Image.Height = ContentNode.Attributes("height").Value
SubPod.PodImage = Image






Return WA_QueryResult

End Function

#End Region

End Class

- James

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