Platform Builder in VS 2008 - Build Error

EDN Admin

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
In the Machine
Experiencing an error on VS 2008 with Platform Builder (Win Compact 7 - March 2013). The error is get is NMAKE : fatal error U1077: C:Windows/system32xcopy.EXE. This occurs when when I do a simple test project using the wizard and try and build.
Platform is Win 8 with VS 2008 on a Virtual Machine. Temporarily no other option. VS has SP1 for 2008 installed. I keep thinking I am doing something very simple wrong but just missing it.
The build log is below
J HenzelBuildLogs: BUILDMSG: Starting: BldDemo1.bat -q
BuildLogs: BUILDMSG: Logs at "s:WINCE700build.*".

BLDDEMO: BUILDMSG: BldDemo started at 18:13:46.21 on Sun 06/02/2013
Environment variable SYSGEN not defined
Environment variable SYSGEN not defined
Environment variable SYSGEN_ not defined

BLDDEMO: BUILDMSG: Sysgen or _TGT settings changed. Setting Clean and CleanPlat options

BLDDEMO: BUILDMSG: Clean option specified
BLDDEMO: BUILDMSG: CleanPlat option specified

CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Cleaning platform directory s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatformEBOX3300target
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Cleaning platform directory s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatformEBOX3300lib
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Removing s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_Retailcesysgenplatform*.bif
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Cleaning platform common directory s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatcommEBOX3300target
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Cleaning platform common directory s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatcommEBOX3300lib
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Removing s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatcommEBOX3300*.bif
CLEANOS.BAT: Cleaning Sysgen directory "s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_Retailcesysgen"
Environment variable SYSGEN not defined
Environment variable SYSGEN not defined
Environment variable SYSGEN_ not defined
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Cleaning platform directory s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatformEBOX3300target
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Cleaning platform directory s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatformEBOX3300lib
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Removing s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_Retailcesysgenplatform*.bif
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Cleaning platform common directory s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatcommEBOX3300target
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Cleaning platform common directory s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatcommEBOX3300lib
CLEANOS.BAT: BUILDMSG: Removing s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_RetailcesysgenplatcommEBOX3300*.bif
BLDDEMO: BUILDMSG: Generating OS Design Folders
BLDDEMO: BUILDMSG: Done Generating OS Design Folders
BLDDEMO: BUILDMSG: Generating OS Design Files to s:WINCE700OSDesignsOSDesign2OSDesign2Wince700EBOX3300_x86_Retailoak
BLDDEMO: BUILDMSG: Done Generating OS Design Files
CEBUILD: BUILDMSG: Skipping directly to SYSGEN phase
CEBUILD: BUILDMSG: Building dep trees: winceos dcom gdiex ie7 servers shellsdk cellcore netcfv35 sqlcompact ossvcs shell wceshellfe wceappsfe directx msf rdp shellw datasync mediaapps ostest apps CEBASE
CEBUILD: BUILDMSG: Running sysgen preproc (for COMMON)
SYSGEN: BUILDMSG: Starting sysgen phase for project ( common )

User selected the following SYSGEN variables
Environment variable SYSGEN not defined

Checking for uncleared variables
Done checking for uncleared variables

Environment variable SYSGEN not defined
Environment variable SYSGEN not defined
CE_MODULES=coredll kcoredll nk nkloader oem oalioctl
_COREDLL_COMPONENTS=showerr corecrt corestrw snotify coregwestub corebuildinfo coreversionstd coreimmstub multiui locmini nostrsafe delayedbootworknoapi
COREDLL_COMPONENTS=coremain thunks corepolicystub showerr corecrt corestrw snotify coregwestub corebuildinfo coreversionstd coreimmstub multiui locmini nostrsafe delayedbootworknoapi
KCOREDLL_COMPONENTS=kcoremain kthunks corepolicystub showerr corecrt corestrw snotify coregwestub corebuildinfo coreversionstd coreimmstub multiui locmini nostrsafe delayedbootworknoapi
NK_COMPONENTS= nknocomp nknotzinit nknomapfile nknomsgq oemstub nklogger
OEM_COMPONENTS=nkstub oemmain oemmain_statickitl
SYSGEN: BUILDMSG: Found localized resources for Languages ( 0404 0407 0409 040c 0410 0411 0412 0413 0416 0419 041d 0804 0c0a)

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 9.00.30729.199
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

makefile.def: Invoked with predefined settings:
makefile.def: Including s:WINCE700publiccommonoakmiscSources.default
makefile.def: BUILDROOT is s:WINCE700publiccommoncesysgen
makefile.def: Including s:WINCE700publiccommoncesysgensources
makefile.def: Including s:WINCE700publiccommonoakmiscSources.framework.default
makefile.def: Including s:WINCE700publiccommonoakmiscSources.CE
Directory: s:WINCE700publiccommoncesysgen
RELEASETYPE is not defined. Using DEFAULT.
makefile.def: Including s:WINCE700publiccommonoakmiscsources.ReleaseType_DEFAULT
Creating appropriate directories and deleting COMMON.LOC
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
mkdir s:WINCE700publiccommonoaklibx86retail409 > nul 2>&1
Copying resources to s:WINCE700publiccommonoaklibx86retailoaklibx86retail409
xcopy /D /Q s:WINCE700publiccommonoaklibx86retail*.res s:WINCE700publiccommonoaklibx86retail409
Invalid parameter - /system32xcopy.EXE
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: C:Windows/system32xcopy.EXE : return code 0x4
SYSGEN: ERROR: error(s) in sysgen phase ( common )
Environment variable SYSGEN_ not defined
CEBUILD: BUILDMSG: There were errors building. Check s:WINCE700build.err

BLDDEMO: ERROR: There were errors building CEBASE.

BLDDEMO: BUILDMSG: BldDemo ended at 18:13:58.96 on Sun 06/02/2013 (exit code 1)
BuildLogs: BUILDMSG: Exiting: BldDemo1.bat -q (result code 1).
BuildLogs: BUILDMSG: s:WINCE700build.log
BuildLogs: BUILDMSG: s:WINCE700build.out
BuildLogs: BUILDMSG: s:WINCE700build.err

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