Exporting MS Visio Diagrams to Different File Formats is Enhanced


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2011
Lane Cove, New South Wales
What is new in this release?

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Diagram for .NET 3.3.0 . We are pleased to announce that this release improves exporting Microsoft Visio diagrams to different file formats. This release also includes the most recent bug fixes and enhancements such as VSDX to PNG conversion, Empty PNG file generation, VSD to HTML Or PDF conversion, shapes are missing, rendering of VSD to PDF file format, Empty PNG file generation and man more. This release includes plenty of new and improved features as listed below

- Flexi Arrow shape is missing is resolved
- Provide in Aspose.Diagram the same page order as in MS Visio for VDX files.
- Shapes missing are resolved during VSD to pdf conversion.
- Rectangle shadows missing is resolved during VSD to PDF conversion.
- ArgumentNullException exception occurred while extracting embedded text file from a VSDX file format is fixed
- VSDX to PNG conversion, incorrect rendering as compare to VSD is fixed
- Argument Exception while converting VSD to PNG file format is fixed
- Empty PNG file generation is resolved with Aspose.Diagram libraries for Framework 3.5 and 4.0.
- During VSD to HTML Or PDF conversion, shapes are missing with .NET 3.5 and 4.0 libraries is fixed
- During VSD to PNG conversion, bad quality and shapes are missing with .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.0.
- Incorrect rendering of VSD to PDF file format is fixed

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Diagram for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Diagram for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Export Diagram to PDF
- Extract All Images From a Visio Page

Overview: Aspose.Diagram for .NET

Aspose.Diagram is a class library for working with MS Visio files & is a pure .NET alternate for MS Visio Object Model.It enables developers to work with VSD & VDX files on ASP.NET web applications, web services & Windows applications. It makes use of the advanced functionality of Visios services to manipulate Visio docs on a server. Developer can open files & manipulate the elements of the diagram, from lines and fills, to more complex elements, and then export to native Visio formats or XML.

More about Aspose.Diagram for .NET

- Homepage of .Net Visio Component
- Download Aspose.Diagram for .NET
- Online Demos Aspose.Diagram for .NET
- Online documentation of Aspose.Diagram for .NET
- Post your technical questions/queries to Aspose.Diagram for .NET Forum
- Receive notifications about latest news and supported features by subscribing to Aspose.Diagram for .NET blog

Contact Information

Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - Your File Format Experts
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465