Update INDEX Field, Reduce File size of Docs & HTML5 Specification Support


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2011
Lane Cove, New South Wales
What is new in this release?

The long awaited version of Aspose.Words for Java &.NET 13.5.0 has been released. This release provides support for Updating INDEX Field by the Field Engine. An INDEX field in a Microsoft Word Document is an alphabetical look up list of interesting keywords in the document and the page number they are found on. Index entries are marked using index entry fields (the XE field). Starting with this release, Aspose.Words supports updating this field and can build the contents of the index field from scratch. Simply call document.UpdateFields to update all fields in the document including the INDEX field. The second round of improvements to the Structured Document Tag API has begun. These improvements are to provide new features when working with structured documents tags that we couldn’t quite squeeze into the release of the first API. This month release includes several new SDT features, including Data Binding of Structured Document Tags to Document Properties. This feature involves special structured document tags that are linked to a document property. Aspose.Words now supports these types of structured document tags so the correct value is used. Moreover this release also improved Font embedding behavior to decrease output file size. The list of new and improved features in this release are listed below

- Update of the INDEX field is supported by the field update engine.
- The HTML parser inside Aspose.Words now conforms to the HTML 5 Specification.
- Implemented booklet rendering and printing according to multiple pages setup.
- Supported MS Word 2010 text effects (e.g. shadows, outlines, 3d-looks etc.) roundtrip for DOCX.
- New public Paragraph.GetEffectiveTabs() method now allows to get fully resolved tabstops.Multiple pages setup options are added to the public API and roundtrip for DOC/RTF/DOCX/WML is supported.
- StructuredDocumentTag databinding to document properties supported.
- Generation of ordinal/cardinal list labels in Spanish and Portuguese.
- Improved text wrapping, it now uses correct shape boundaries with 3d effects, rotations, shadows etc for Square/Top-Bottom wrapping types.
- Added support for the "Balance SBCS characters and DBCS characters" compatibility option.
- Added options of different font embedding for optimal PDF output size.
- DrawingML Charts rendering enhancements: overlap option, depth grid lines, trend lines, subcharts for pie charts.
- List labels in Portuguese appears in English during rendering is fixed
- Support INDEX field updating.
- Incorrect WordArt rendering is resolved.
- Root / ordinalText is not supported for Spanish.
- /import floating image/ Consider preserving <img style="float: left" during HTML open/save
- Text effects are lost after conversion to 2010 Docx file format.
- Render Trend Lines.
- Foreign language (Spanish) list labels are now preserved in fixed page formats
- Consider rendering to PDF according to Book Fold setting of Page Setup
- Support Book Fold multiple page setup
- Actual shape size is now calculated correctly
- Support DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.TextOutlineEffect
- Resolve the problem with the difference between relationship types in strict and transitional OOXML.
- /Balance SBCS characters and DBCS charactes/ White space width is corrected - when rendering to fixed page formats
- Support rendering OfPie charts.
- Support rendering of Exponential trendlines.
- Support rendering of Logarithmic trendlines.
- Support rendering of Polynomial trendlines.
- Support rendering of Power trendlines.
- Support Overlap option upon rendering bar charts.
- Resolve the problem with the difference between namespaces in strict and transitional OOXML
- TabStop now returns correct value of Position and Alignment.
- Word 2010 text effects lost is fixed during open/save.
- Part of content inside Content Control is cut off during rendering (sdt) is fixed.
- Two lines of text are moved to the previous page upon rendering is fixed.
- TH и TD table elements is being out of parental TR elements does not imported is now fixed
- ContentControl name shown instead of value after converting DOCX document to other formats (sdt) is now fixed.
- Support anchor push for floating tables (scenario 2a).
- DrawingML should be rendered on next page, instead it is truncated in TIFF is now fixed
- img tag is ignored if it is direct child of table.
- TextBox shape in DOCX is now rendering to epub/html
- Table contents issue is resolved with footer after saving in Pdf format.
- Docx to PDF conversion issue with split tables is resolved
- Multiple and incorrect pages issue is fixed, While converting from doc to PDF
- Table with missing closing Tag in HTML is lost when loading into DOM
- Page numbers in odd pages are now visible in PDF
- Make multiple pages setup options public
- Word Art Text Object issue if fixed when converted to HTML
- WORDSNET-7561 Development of CSS to Document Styles engine
- Html contents are now loaded into Aspose.Words DOM
- HTML TD contents loading is resolved and now loaded into Aspose.Words DOM
- Make the HTML parser conforming to HTML 5
- Images should be behind text in HTML
- Shapes with thick borders or other effects affecting size are now aligned correctly
- document.AppendDocument change the style name
- Shape boundaries outside page are now corrected properly for shapes with shadows and other effects
- MS DocumentViewer now render images from Aspose.Words generated XPS
- Shape.Rotation change the shapes position in output PDF
- Support rendering of depth grid lines.
- Make sure data labels position is correct for all 3D charts.
- Migrate existing CSS tests to new CSS Engine
- Contents missing is corrected while conversion from HTML To PDF
- Development of CSS to string function
- LayoutEnumerator.GetStartPageIndex return incorrect page number
- Reduce pdf file size
- Investigate why is the Shape not anchored at the first Paragraph of Page
- Bookmark spanning across multiple Paragraphs is exported to HTML correctly
- Table Row height is now preserved during rendering to PDF
- Two Paragraphs in Frame render as a single line in PDF
- Contents are moved to next pages after conversion from Doc to Tiff
- Refactor changes made while implementing WORDSNET-7948
- Mozilla Firefox renders DrawingML in PDF upside down
- Text appears as a link after importing MHT is fixed
- Indent of paragraph before list is corrected after importing HTML.
- Group image breaking is fixed while converting doc to HTML.

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Words for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Words for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Print Multiple Pages on One Sheet
- How to OOXML Chart Rendering Supported Features

Overview: Aspose.Words for .NET

Aspose.Words is a word processing component that enables Java & .NET applications to read, write and modify Word documents without using Microsoft Word. Other useful features include document creation, content and formatting manipulation, mail merge abilities, reporting features, TOC updated/rebuilt, Embedded OOXML, Footnotes rendering and support of DOCX, DOC, WordprocessingML, HTML, XHTML, TXT and PDF formats (requires Aspose.Pdf). It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. You can even use Aspose.Words to build applications with Mono.

More about Aspose.Words for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Words for .NET
- Homepage of Java Word Library
- Download Aspose.Words for .NET
- Download Aspose.Words for Java
- Demos for Aspose.Words for .NET
- Online documentation of Aspose.Words for .NET:
- Post your technical questions/queries to Aspose.Words for .NET
- Receive notifications about latest news and supported features by subscribing to Aspose.Words for .NET

Contact Information
Aspose Pty Ltd
Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road
Lane Cove, NSW, 2066
Aspose - Your File Format Experts
Phone: 888.277.6734
Fax: 866.810.9465