Regular Expression Mmatch, but excluding a subset of those matches

  • Thread starter Thread starter KimPark
  • Start date Start date


I have a block of text with the rows:

Lorem ipsum dolor congue ligula sit ametconsectetur
congue ligula:Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas
congue ligula:
consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec congue ligula
ac quam congue ligula viverra nec

where I want to conduct a regular expression match for any rows containing congue ligula.

For that, I have this regular expression:

(.)*(congue ligula)(.)*

But Id like to exclude a subset of those rows, specifically:

Case 1: congue ligula:
Case 2: ac quam congue ligula viverra nec

Is there anyway to say "Match all these" [(.)*(congue ligula)(.)*], but exclude these specific matches [a full line being = "congue ligula:" or "ac quam congue ligula viverra nec"]?

Anyone have any regular expression advice on this one? For the sake of code flexibility, I dont want to place conditional statements in the code to filter this out and want it handled SOLELY in regular expressions, if thats at all possible.


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