Hey guys I want do display cpu info but it shows 6 error when I debug my program>
I have Option Strict On
This is my code , Please help...
Option Strict On
Imports IWshRuntimeLibrary
Imports System
Imports System.Management
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Label10.Text = (CDbl(getWMIInfo("MaxClockSpeed") / 1000) & " Ghz")
Label16.Text = System.Environment.ProcessorCount.ToString
Dim voltage As String = getWMIInfo("CurrentVoltage")
If the chars returned is two then add a decimal between the 2x numbers.
If Not voltage.Length = 0 AndAlso voltage.Length = 2 Then
Add a decimal point.
Dim value As String = voltage.Substring(0, 1) & "." & _
voltage.Substring(1, 1)
Label17.Text = (value & " v")
voltage = Nothing
value = Nothing
Label17.Text = ("n/a")
End If
The registry path to get the info we are wanting.
Dim str As String = "HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor"
Returns how many SubKeys are under “CentralProcessor”.
The subKey count under this key =’s the‘total cpu’s your system has installed.
Of course, 90% or so will only have 1x subkey denoting a‘single cpu system.
My system happens to return 2x subkeys since I have a Dual Core system.
Dim cpuCount As Integer = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(str, False).SubKeyCount
Dim cpuMhz As String = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
Label18.Text = cpuMhz
Dim cpuName As String = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
Label19.Text = cpuName
Dim cpuVendorID As String = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
Label20.Text = cpuVendorID
Dim cpuIdentifier As String = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
Label21.Text = cpuIdentifier
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Function getWMIInfo(ByVal wmiObjectInfo As String, Optional ByVal _
wmiRelativePath As String = "Win32_Processor") As String
[wmiClass.Path.RelativePath] = "Win32_Processor"
CPUName = "Name"
CPUSocket = "SocketDesignation"
CPUClockspeed = "CurrentClockSpeed"
CPUMaxClockspeed = "MaxClockSpeed"
MoboBusSpeed = "ExtClock"
Manufacturer = "Manufacturer"
CPUFamily = "Family"
CPU-L2 Cache Size = "L2CacheSize"
CPULoadPercent = "LoadPercentage"
CPUArchitecture = "Architecture" - 0 = x86 or 32 Bit, 1 = Mips, 2 = Alpha, 3 = PowerPC, 6 = Intel Itanium, 9 = x64
CPUStatus = "CpuStatus" - 0 = unKnown, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled in Bios by User, 3 = Disabled by Bios (Post Error), 4 = Idle, 7 = Other
CPUDataWidth = "DataWidth"
CPUDescription = "Description"
CPUDeviceID = "DeviceID"
CPULevel = "Level"
CPUType = "ProcessorType" - 1 = Other, 2 = UnKnown, 3 = Central, 4 = Math Co-Processor, 5 = DSP CPU, 6 = Video CPU
CPURevision = "Revision"
CPUStepping = "Stepping"
CPUSocketUpgrade = "UpgradeMethod" - Values are: 1 - 18
CPUVersion = "Version" - Model? and Stepping? is returned.
CPUVoltage = "CurrentVoltage"
On Error Resume Next
getWMIInfo = Nothing
Dim wmiClass As New System.Management.ManagementClass
Dim wmiObject As New System.Management.ManagementObject
wmiClass.Path.RelativePath = wmiRelativePath
counts = wmiClass.GetInstances.Count
For Each wmiObject In wmiClass.GetInstances
This will add up each value.
getWMIInfo += Val((wmiObject(wmiObjectInfo)))
Return getWMIInfoTest
Return getWMIInfo
This is just used to get how many cpus are really installed.
counts = wmiClass.GetInstances.Count
Return "Hmmm"
Catch exc As Exception
Return "n/a"
wmiObject(wmiObjectInfo) .Trim)
Resume Next
End Try
Return Nothing
End Get
End Function
End Class
Thanks in Advanced.
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I have Option Strict On
This is my code , Please help...
Option Strict On
Imports IWshRuntimeLibrary
Imports System
Imports System.Management
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Label10.Text = (CDbl(getWMIInfo("MaxClockSpeed") / 1000) & " Ghz")
Label16.Text = System.Environment.ProcessorCount.ToString
Dim voltage As String = getWMIInfo("CurrentVoltage")
If the chars returned is two then add a decimal between the 2x numbers.
If Not voltage.Length = 0 AndAlso voltage.Length = 2 Then
Add a decimal point.
Dim value As String = voltage.Substring(0, 1) & "." & _
voltage.Substring(1, 1)
Label17.Text = (value & " v")
voltage = Nothing
value = Nothing
Label17.Text = ("n/a")
End If
The registry path to get the info we are wanting.
Dim str As String = "HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor"
Returns how many SubKeys are under “CentralProcessor”.
The subKey count under this key =’s the‘total cpu’s your system has installed.
Of course, 90% or so will only have 1x subkey denoting a‘single cpu system.
My system happens to return 2x subkeys since I have a Dual Core system.
Dim cpuCount As Integer = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(str, False).SubKeyCount
Dim cpuMhz As String = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
Label18.Text = cpuMhz
Dim cpuName As String = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
Label19.Text = cpuName
Dim cpuVendorID As String = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
Label20.Text = cpuVendorID
Dim cpuIdentifier As String = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey( _
Label21.Text = cpuIdentifier
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Function getWMIInfo(ByVal wmiObjectInfo As String, Optional ByVal _
wmiRelativePath As String = "Win32_Processor") As String
[wmiClass.Path.RelativePath] = "Win32_Processor"
CPUName = "Name"
CPUSocket = "SocketDesignation"
CPUClockspeed = "CurrentClockSpeed"
CPUMaxClockspeed = "MaxClockSpeed"
MoboBusSpeed = "ExtClock"
Manufacturer = "Manufacturer"
CPUFamily = "Family"
CPU-L2 Cache Size = "L2CacheSize"
CPULoadPercent = "LoadPercentage"
CPUArchitecture = "Architecture" - 0 = x86 or 32 Bit, 1 = Mips, 2 = Alpha, 3 = PowerPC, 6 = Intel Itanium, 9 = x64
CPUStatus = "CpuStatus" - 0 = unKnown, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disabled in Bios by User, 3 = Disabled by Bios (Post Error), 4 = Idle, 7 = Other
CPUDataWidth = "DataWidth"
CPUDescription = "Description"
CPUDeviceID = "DeviceID"
CPULevel = "Level"
CPUType = "ProcessorType" - 1 = Other, 2 = UnKnown, 3 = Central, 4 = Math Co-Processor, 5 = DSP CPU, 6 = Video CPU
CPURevision = "Revision"
CPUStepping = "Stepping"
CPUSocketUpgrade = "UpgradeMethod" - Values are: 1 - 18
CPUVersion = "Version" - Model? and Stepping? is returned.
CPUVoltage = "CurrentVoltage"
On Error Resume Next
getWMIInfo = Nothing
Dim wmiClass As New System.Management.ManagementClass
Dim wmiObject As New System.Management.ManagementObject
wmiClass.Path.RelativePath = wmiRelativePath
counts = wmiClass.GetInstances.Count
For Each wmiObject In wmiClass.GetInstances
This will add up each value.
getWMIInfo += Val((wmiObject(wmiObjectInfo)))
Return getWMIInfoTest
Return getWMIInfo
This is just used to get how many cpus are really installed.
counts = wmiClass.GetInstances.Count
Return "Hmmm"
Catch exc As Exception
Return "n/a"
wmiObject(wmiObjectInfo) .Trim)
Resume Next
End Try
Return Nothing
End Get
End Function
End Class
Thanks in Advanced.
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