Microsoft TechNet Wiki Guru - Winners for June!!

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XAML guy

The results for Junes TechNet Guru competition have been posted!

Congratulations to all our new Gurus for June. We will be interviewing and highlighting their achievements, as the month unfolds.

If you think you have a useful fact, snippet, or detailed solution that is as good or better than the examples you see for June, please share it with us on TechNet Wiki.

Post your JULY contributions here:

Below is a copy of the June winners. The last column being a few of the comments from the judges.

BizTalk Technical Guru - June 2013


Ron Phillips BizTalk: Monitoring and Automatically Starting Host Instances Via A Scheduled Task Mandi Ohlinger: "This is a very helpful script that users can implement now. "
Peter Laker: "Excellent article, loads of detail and nice format."
Ed Price: "Great introduction! I love how this incrementally takes you through the process."


Abhijit Mahato Implementation of Routing slip pattern using ESB Toolkit 2.1 and BizTalk Server Mandi Ohlinger: "Great example of use ESB! The screen shots are a nice addition."
Ed Price: "Great formatting with the different sections! The images help visually explain everything."
Peter Laker: "Nice tip with lots of detail"


Mohit Gupta Complex FlatFile Conversion using Biztalk schema and Map Peter Laker: "Details, code and images make this a great article"
Ed Price: "The code blocks are very helpful!"
Mandi Ohlinger: "Great FlatFile example. We need more of these."

SharePoint 2010 Technical Guru - June 2013


Matthew Yarlett Uploading (and Resizing) Images to a SharePoint Picture Library via a Webpart Margriet Bruggeman: "Handy to have this code!"
Peter Laker: "Nice article. Whos the mugshot of?"
Ed Price: "Its very clear! Its great how you take us through this, with the code and image for clarity."
Tom Van Gaever: "Please do not set AllowUnsafeUpdate to true"


Sunny Dasgupta SEO Friendly SharePoint Sites/Pages Margriet Bruggeman: "Good to know!"
TVG: "SharePoint 2013 PG has invested a lot in making SharePoint a better WCM solution. I would create a series that lists all the improvements for public facing websites (image rendition, device channels,...)"
Peter Laker: "Top tip"
Ed Price: "Short and sweet! Good use of images!"


Sunny Dasgupta New! SharePoint 2013: Branding Solutions as an App! Showcase your solutions now! TVG: "I like the showcase idea"
Ed Price: "This is an important business lesson! It would be great to follow this up with technical "how to" examples, with all the details."

Small Basic Technical Guru - June 2013


Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: How to Make a Turtle Maze Game RZ: "This is very cool. Nice layout, screenshots, and details instructions."
Ed Price: "I love this article! Its fun, and it takes you through the whole process in a fun and clear way, complete with great formatting, images, and code. Great job!"


Jibba Jabba a Development Map for Becoming a Good Programmer using Small Basic and MSDN RZ "Very useful information. Content is nicely structured."
Ed Price: "This is an incredibly valuable resource!"


Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: Did You Know? RZ: "Very useful information. Especially concerning known issues."
Ed Price: "Chances are that you didnt know that... which makes this article very valuable!"

SQL Server Analysis Services Technical Guru - June 2013


Yogish Bhat Aggregations in SSAS Peter Laker: "Excellent subject. Excellent detail. Nice formatting."
Ed Price: "Great explanations, clearly written, and good job breaking up the sections so that its easy to read and to use the TOC."


Yogish Bhat MOD Function in MDX Peter Laker: "Useful tip. Thanks!"
Ed Price: "Great solution!"

SQL Server Reporting Services/Power View Technical Guru - June 2013


Tim Pacl Sorting Elements of a Concatenated String Peter Laker: "An excellent article with some useful tips"
Ed Price: "This is a great article! You have a lot of code samples and a clear overview."


Tim Pacl Adding Links in SSRS Reports Peter Laker: "Images really help to explain the procedure"
Ed Price: "The images help make the steps very clear!"


Tim Pacl Concatenating Data Column Values Into a Single String Peter Laker: "Useful tip, common problem"
Ed Price: "Good formatting on the code in this article."

Transact-SQL Technical Guru - June 2013


Naomi N How SQL Server Determines Type of the Constant Richard Mueller: "A good recommendation to explicitly CAST values, with an example of possible consequences if you dont."


Naomi N SET ANSI_PADDING Setting and Its Importance Samuel Lester: "Outstanding contribution! I love the process of walking us through the debugging you performed. People who read this article gain an understanding of not only the SET ANSI_PADDING setting, but also how you arrived at discovering this as well as the technical resources available to ask in the MSDN forums. Very, very good!"
Ed Price: "Very in depth article with great code formatting!"
Richard Mueller: "This explains an issue I was not aware of. Well researched. Good to include a script to correct the situation."


Johnny Bell Jnr SQL Server Result Set In An HTML Email Richard Mueller: "Very instructive. I like this because similar techniques can be used for other applications."
Samuel Lester: "Great article and very handy for sure. Im a big fan of code generation through T-SQL as youre doing with the @HTML parameter. I use similar tricks often to generate code for other programming languages. Very good!"
Ed Price: "The text does a great job setting up the code blocks!"

Visual Basic Technical Guru - June 2013


Reed Kimble How to Communicate with a Microcontroller or Other Serial Device in VB.Net Richard Mueller: "A well written article with great information and a detailed code example. The explanation should allow someone to adapt this for many applications."
MR: "Well written and very descriptive."
Anthony D. Green: "This article has the most interesting topic but I wish it had a more concrete example like making a robot dance or something. Serial port communication is a common forum question as the writer points out - Id be great if the user had something in the sample to run against/debug. Another suggestion Id make is that the author break up the very long code sample into discrete steps with the paragraph describing the code following the code immediately. Right now a reader is confronted with a wall of text and has to try to grok it all at once before proceeding to the prose or scan back and forth to get it."
SB: "I like the article - Ive seen many issues in the past with serial communication and its always a bit of a vague topic so any article is a positive in my opinion. It would be nice to link this to Micro-framework which added VB support and is another way of working with microcontrollers. Article is well written with good clean examples."
Ed Price: "Incredibly in depth with beautifully formatted code!"


Paul Ishak Bitmap.Lockbits De-Mystified .Net Richard Mueller: "This was a difficult decision to rate these Wikis. This is a well researched article with good explanation of the steps required."
Mark Rideout: "Great details, though formatting makes it hard to read."
Anthony D. Green: "This was well written and well factored for reading. My only complaints are the lack of syntax colorization and the noisy line numbers. The topic is just obscure enough that it would have helped a lot to have a paragraph or two at the beginning to tell me what Lock bits is and why its interesting rather than just jump into a deep dive. It links to another article which gives the motivation but it would have been great to have that inline."
SB: "Rather than an article I felt this was more a series of code snippets. Although very useful I prefer a narrative explaining things. I think that the content is OK but it alludes to the fact of performance improvements but would like maybe a bit more info as to how much more performance improvements can be made using this. Presentation wise Id like to code colorized correctly as well as it helps tremendously in reading."
Ed Price: "I love how the article has its own banner image! Good code samples. Great job!"

Visual C# Technical Guru - June 2013


Dan Randolph Named Pipes IO for Inter-process Communication CW: "Well, rating this time around is pretty straightforward, what with there being one article. The only real dig I have against the article is that it brings up a GUI for this and I never see it. I know it isnt remarkable, but when you mention a GUI, I sort of expect to see it. Otherwise, this article provides a simple sample of using named pipes in c# code between two components."
Christian Lukito: "Good proof of concept showing how to use the API. But it will be more better if can provide real worlds example in what way this is more useful."
Peter Laker: "Only entry! Win!"
Ed Price: "Very clear and easy to read! Great code snippets with good formatting!"

Windows Phone Technical Guru - June 2013


Tiziano Cacioppolini Maps and clusters Peter Laker: "Excellent subject, nice detail!"
Ed Price: "Great code and explanations! It could benefit from code blocks and headers/sections to break it up a little more. Great article!"


isenthil How to Launch Windows Phone 8 Emulator without using Visual Studio 2012? Peter Laker: "Thanks for the tip!"
Ed Price: "Short and sweet. Great formatting with the TOC and sections."

Windows Store Apps Technical Guru - June 2013


Sachin S Building an App using the DataviewModel from external XML Peter Laker: "Nice introduction to the subject. Excellent example and explanation."
Ed Price: "The image at the top catches your interest, and then the code blocks are great as well!"


Sachin S Basic ColorPicker Control inside Settings Pane Ed Price: "Great job breaking up the article with the different sections! The different sections, code headers, links back to the top, the image... it all helps make a better experience."
Peter Laker: "Very useful code. Commonly needed."


Sachin S Insert ComboBox item separator which is filled through Data Binding Peter Laker: "Top tip. Will no doubt come in very handy."
Ed Price: "Great formatting on the code snippets!"

WPF Technical Guru - June 2013


Gaurav Khanna Set Brush for ScrollViewer Thumb Peter Laker: "Good to know if youre not adept at Blend"
Ed Price: "Great formatting on the code blocks!"


XAML guy WPF: How to manage available/selected lists. Simple examples. MVVM and Code behind Ed Price: "Its beautiful. A work of art! From the TOC, to the image at the top, the breakdown of sections, the code snippets, and all the way down. Its easy to read and easy to follow. Great job!"
Peter Laker: "A common problem, and a tidy solution :)"


Magnus (MM8) Event handling in an MVVM WPF application Peter Laker: "Nice event/command primer, lots of detail"
Ed Price: "Good formatting on the code, and the image helps you visualize it! Good article!"

A great big thanks to EVERYONE who contributed an article to last months competition.

Hopefully we will see you ALL again in this months listings?

If you have not yet contributed an article for this month, and you think you can produce a more useful, clever and better produced wiki article than the winners above, heres your chance! :D

Best regards,
Pete Laker

More about the TechNet Guru Awards:

#PEJL Got a good solution? If you invest your time in coding an elegant/novel or large answer on these MSDN forums, why not copy it over to our beloved TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from!

#PEJL Got a good solution? If you invest your time in coding an elegant/novel or large answer on these MSDN forums, why not copy it over to our beloved TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from!

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