Trying to Call C++ DLL in C#

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Hello All,

I am trying to call a C++ DLL in C#.

I have read numerous forums, however I cannot seem to get a simple math function to be called from within my C#.

One thing I have to mention is my DLL I am calling is made to call another DLL. It works fine when I created a console application in C++ and then called the secondary DLL, which in return called the methods from the first DLL. My secondary DLL being called from the C# is MyExecRefsDll.dll. The DLL in which it calls is MathFuncsDll.dll. All of the C++ code was taken from a tutorial here:

Here is the header and cpp code for MyExecRefsDll.dll:

// MyExecRefsDll.h

#pragma once
extern "C"{

#define MYEXECREFSDll_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MYEXECREFSDll_API __declspec(dllimport)

namespace MyExecFuncsNS

class MyDoMathCall
static MYEXECREFSDll_API int DoMath();

And here is the cpp:

// MyExecRefsDll.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>

#include "MathFuncsDll.h"
#include "MyExecRefsDll.h"

using namespace std;

namespace MyExecFuncsNS
int MyDoMathCall::DoMath()
double a = 7.4;
int b = 99;

cout << "a + b = " <<
MathFuncs::MyMathFuncs::Add(a, b) << endl;
cout << "a - b = " <<
MathFuncs::MyMathFuncs::Subtract(a, b) << endl;
cout << "a * b = " <<
MathFuncs::MyMathFuncs::Multiply(a, b) << endl;
cout << "a / b = " <<
MathFuncs::MyMathFuncs::Divide(a, b) << endl;

cout << "a / 0 = " <<
MathFuncs::MyMathFuncs::Divide(a, 0) << endl;
catch (const invalid_argument &e)
cout << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << endl;

return 0;


Now here is the MathFuncsDll.h code:

// MathFuncsDll.h
#pragma once

#define MATHFUNCSDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MATHFUNCSDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)

namespace MathFuncs
// This class is exported from the MathFuncsDll.dll
class MyMathFuncs
// Returns a + b
static MATHFUNCSDLL_API double Add(double a, double b);

// Returns a - b
static MATHFUNCSDLL_API double Subtract(double a, double b);

// Returns a * b
static MATHFUNCSDLL_API double Multiply(double a, double b);

// Returns a / b
// Throws const std::invalid_argument& if b is 0
static MATHFUNCSDLL_API double Divide(double a, double b);

And the respective cpp file:

// MathFuncsDll.cpp : Defines the exported functions for the DLL application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MathFuncsDll.h"
#include <stdexcept>

using namespace std;

namespace MathFuncs
double MyMathFuncs::Add(double a, double b)
return a + b;

double MyMathFuncs::Subtract(double a, double b)
return a - b;

double MyMathFuncs::Multiply(double a, double b)
return a * b;

double MyMathFuncs::Divide(double a, double b)
if (b == 0)
throw invalid_argument("b cannot be zero!");

return a / b;

Here is my C# code I am calling the MyExecRefsDll.dll from:

// Marshal.cs
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class PlatformInvokeTest

public static class DllHelper

[DllImport(@"c:\Users\tester\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\DynamicLibrary\Debug\MyExecRefsDll.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "DoMath()")]

public static extern int DoMath();

static void Main(string[] args)

catch (Exception ex)


Now the error I receieve is when it cannot find the EntryPoint name. I receieve this error

A first chance exception of type System.EntryPointNotFoundException occurred in Example Project1.exe

So I have read many forums and I see that I need to include and extern "c" in my header files for the call however I am very confused for how to implement and why this is needed. I undertstand I am linking the DLL to the C# language but am having the hardest time.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards.

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