ListBox contents not appearing in print preview

  • Thread starter Thread starter MeriMa'at
  • Start date Start date


In my code I have managed to erase the buttons from my print preview so that all that should appear is the text in my text and list boxes. However, while the text from my text boxes do appear, my listboxes (I have three) look blank in the print preview window.

Here is my code:

PrintPage event raised for each page to be printed

Private Sub Document_PrintPage(Sender As System.Object, e As PrintPageEventArgs)

Dim FontObject As Font variable to store font

store a controls x- and y-coordinates

Dim YPosition As Single

Dim XPosition As Single

represent left margin of page

Dim LeftMargin As Single = e.MarginBounds.Left

represent top margin of page

Dim TopMargin As Single = e.MarginBounds.Top

store a controls text

Dim ControlText As String = Nothing

iterate over the controls on the form, printing the text displayed in each control

For Each ControlObject As Control In Me.Controls

do not print Buttons

If Not (TypeOf ControlObject Is Button) Then

ControlText = ControlObject.Text

FontObject = New Font("Segoe UI", 9.0F, FontStyle.Regular)

set string positions relative to page margins

XPosition = LeftMargin + ControlObject.Location.X

YPosition = TopMargin + ControlObject.Location.Y

draw text in graphics object

e.Graphics.DrawString(ControlText, FontObject, Brushes.Black, XPosition, YPosition)

End If

Next ControlObject

draw line under the recipes name


RecipeNameTextBox.Location.X + LeftMargin,

RecipeNameTextBox.Location.Y + TopMargin + 15,

RecipeNameTextBox.Location.X + RecipeNameTextBox.Width + LeftMargin,

RecipeNameTextBox.Location.Y + TopMargin + 15)

draw box around recipe card

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, LeftMargin, TopMargin, Me.Width, Me.Height - 60)

End Sub

Private Sub PrintButton_Click_1(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintButton.Click

clear out intro label

IntroLabel.Text = ""

create new object to assist in printing

Dim Document As New PrintDocument()

tell PrintDocument where to find PrintPage event handler

AddHandler Document.PrintPage,

AddressOf Document_PrintPage

if no printers are installed, display error message

If PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.Count = 0 Then


Return exit event handler

End If

print the document


End Sub

Private Sub PreviewButton_Click_1(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles PreviewButton.Click

clear out intro label

IntroLabel.Text = ""

create new object to assist in previewing

Dim Document As New PrintDocument()

tell PrintDocument where to find PrintPage event handler

AddHandler Document.PrintPage,

AddressOf Document_PrintPage

if no printers are installed, display error message

If PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.Count = 0 Then


Return exit event handler

End If

PreviewObject.Document = Document specify document

PreviewObject.ShowDialog() show print preview

End Sub

Sub ErrorMessage()

MessageBox.Show("No printers are installed. Please make install a printer to preview or print the document.", "Print Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

End Sub

And this is what my print preview shows, after text has been inputted to all the text and list boxes: (The list boxes are at the bottom under the "Ingredients" label)


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