Direct2D Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Ishak
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Paul Ishak

I am trying to get the simplest possible working implementation of direct2d in a CLR project.

The steps I have taken so far to make my project are:

1.) I Create New c++ CLR Empty Project

2.) Go to header folder, right click>Add>New Item: I select UI, then I select Windows Form, then I click ADD

3.) I move the MyForm.cpp file to the source directory

4.) I put the following code into my MyForm.cpp file:

#include "MyForm.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
int main(array<String^>^ args)
Project4::MyForm form;
return 0;

5.) In solution explorer, I right click my project->Configuration Properties>Linker>System>Subsystem> and select windows

Then in Configuration Properties>Linker>Advanced>Entry point> I put "main"

6.) I go to the designer view of "MyForm", and I add a System.Windows.Forms.Panel

My question is that I would like to use the panel as my Direct2D canvas.

An explanation on how I can proceed here to use that panel as my Direct2d render target, and an example that draws a simple line on said panel(using Direct2d, not gdi) would be outstanding.

Thank you in advance!

---Or is it not possible?

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