Ive been using the Dietel Visual C# 2012 How to Program book, and am about to start the Windows Forms portion of the book. Unfortunately, this book does not cover how I want to use the DataGridView control, and Im getting nervous that I wont be able to use it the way I want to. So my question is will I be able to do this? Bind a List <List <string>> to a DGV control such that I can edit the data in the List<List<string>> by typing directly into the DGV (which will be displaying the current state of the List<List<string>>, which will be serving as my database). Most of the tutorials that Ive seen pair the DGV with sql or access databases or that use ASP.NET. My program will be a desktop program. Also, the few tutorials that Ive seen that pair the DGV to data structures without databases do so by hardcoding the data into the grid. I need to be able to type the data into the grid directly and have the List<List<string>> be updated accordingly.
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