Hi, i need to perform a several tasks for the application I am doing.
I have googled and it is not very clear about.
Here are some of the tasks:
1. about clearing cookies not sure how to do it for default browser with c++ ( or a specific browser).
2. Changing IP with c++ (I do not know if it is simple but i googled and found a few functions like: DeleteIpAddress, AddIpAddress.
And would want randomly choose the country and city - IP address(s). I have used myself program like Hide My IP, and others, but
want to do it in my program.
3. go to the specific web link, i know i can do for example :
ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", L"www.google.com",NULL, NULL, SW_HIDE); // would want to have an option not actually to open a web browser, is SW_HIDE does just that? And also want to close that specific web link which was open, can i use
ShellExecute(NULL, L"close", L"www.google.com",NULL, NULL, SW_HIDE); // or is the a better way?
So, any comments and suggestions, code examples...
thanks in advance...
Gennady Gurin
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I have googled and it is not very clear about.
Here are some of the tasks:
1. about clearing cookies not sure how to do it for default browser with c++ ( or a specific browser).
2. Changing IP with c++ (I do not know if it is simple but i googled and found a few functions like: DeleteIpAddress, AddIpAddress.
And would want randomly choose the country and city - IP address(s). I have used myself program like Hide My IP, and others, but
want to do it in my program.
3. go to the specific web link, i know i can do for example :
ShellExecute(NULL, L"open", L"www.google.com",NULL, NULL, SW_HIDE); // would want to have an option not actually to open a web browser, is SW_HIDE does just that? And also want to close that specific web link which was open, can i use
ShellExecute(NULL, L"close", L"www.google.com",NULL, NULL, SW_HIDE); // or is the a better way?
So, any comments and suggestions, code examples...
thanks in advance...
Gennady Gurin
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