VB.Net Windows from printing help needed

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1996 was the last time I developed a VB windows form. Ive only done web development since then. So Im struggling with printing a report.

I want to print packing slips. I ensure that each order will fit on one page. I first populate a DataGridView control on a windows form. I have a "Print Packing Slips" button on the form and when clicked, will print all the orders. I also added a PrintDocument control to my form. Here is my code for the button click and PrintDocument1_PrintPage events:

Private Sub btnPrint_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click

Dim oOrder As New Order(connStringNW)
For Each band As DataGridViewBand In dgvOrder.Rows
iID = CInt(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(0).Value)
OrderDate = CDate(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(1).Value).ToShortDateString
ShipToName = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(2).Value) & " " & CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(3).Value)
ShipToAdd1 = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(4).Value)
ShipToAdd2 = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(13).Value)
ShipToCSZ = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(5).Value) & ", " & CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(6).Value) & " " & CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(7).Value)
ShipToCountry = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(8).Value)
Email = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(10).Value)
Phone = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(9).Value)
AESNumber = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(14).Value)
ShippingMethod = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(15).Value)
CustomValuesXml = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(16).Value)

Dim sHoldCode As String = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(11).Value)
Dim sStatusCode As String = CStr(dgvOrder.Rows(band.Index).Cells(12).Value)

Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim sql As String = "SELECT oi.ProductId As Item, p.Name As Description, oi.Quantity " + _
"FROM OrderItem oi INNER JOIN " + _
"Product p ON oi.ProductId = p.Id " + _
"WHERE oi.OrderId = " & iID
Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connStringNW)
Dim dataadapter As New SqlDataAdapter(sql, connStringNW)
Dim ds As New DataSet()

dataadapter.Fill(ds, "OrderItem")

For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows

oOrder.UpdateOrderHoldCode(iID, sHoldCode, "P")

PrintDocument1.PrinterSettings.Copies = 2
Dim PrintPreview As New PrintPreviewDialog
PrintPreview.Document = PrintDocument1

Catch ex As Exception
Dim sBob As String = "XXX"
End Try


End Sub

Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage

Set Image Files
Dim img1 As Image = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\Bob\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\CompanyPortal\ShipmentProcessing\logo_left.png")

Set Fonts
printFont18B = New Font("Tahoma", 18, FontStyle.Bold)
printFont11B = New Font("Tahoma", 11, FontStyle.Bold)
printFont18 = New Font("Tahoma", 18)
printFont11 = New Font("Tahoma", 11)

Create Rectangles and Boxes
Dim R2 As Rectangle
R2 = New Rectangle(10, 350, 70, 35) E-mail Heading

Dim R3 As Rectangle
R3 = New Rectangle(230, 350, 120, 35) Phone Heading

Dim R4 As Rectangle
R4 = New Rectangle(350, 350, 135, 35) AES Heading

Dim R5 As Rectangle
R5 = New Rectangle(500, 350, 115, 35) P.O. Number Heading

Dim R6 As Rectangle
R6 = New Rectangle(615, 350, 225, 35) Ship Method Heading

Dim R7 As Rectangle
R7 = New Rectangle(10, 385, 220, 35) Email

Dim R8 As Rectangle
R8 = New Rectangle(230, 385, 120, 35) Phone

Dim R9 As Rectangle
R9 = New Rectangle(350, 385, 150, 35) AES

Dim R10 As Rectangle
R10 = New Rectangle(500, 385, 115, 35) P.O. Number

Dim R11 As Rectangle
R11 = New Rectangle(615, 385, 225, 35) Ship Method

Dim R12 As Rectangle
R12 = New Rectangle(580, 40, 120, 35) Date Heading

Dim R13 As Rectangle
R13 = New Rectangle(700, 40, 120, 35) Packing Slip Heading

Dim R14 As Rectangle
R14 = New Rectangle(580, 75, 120, 35) Date

Dim R15 As Rectangle
R15 = New Rectangle(700, 75, 120, 35) Order Id

Dim R16 As Rectangle
R16 = New Rectangle(10, 440, 150, 35) Item Code Heading

Dim R17 As Rectangle
R17 = New Rectangle(160, 440, 520, 35) Description Heading

Dim R18 As Rectangle
R18 = New Rectangle(680, 440, 160, 35) Quantity Heading

Dim R19 As Rectangle
R19 = New Rectangle(10, 475, 150, 600) Item Code Box

Dim R20 As Rectangle
R20 = New Rectangle(160, 475, 520, 600) Description Box

Dim R21 As Rectangle
R21 = New Rectangle(680, 475, 160, 600) Quantity Box

Print Header Info
e.Graphics.DrawImage(img1, 1, 1)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Dataport Systems, Inc", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 1, 110)
e.Graphics.DrawString("www.ModernRoboticsInc", printFont11, Brushes.Black, 1, 130)
e.Graphics.DrawString("", printFont11, Brushes.Black, 1, 150)
e.Graphics.DrawString("12347 SW 132 CT", printFont11, Brushes.Black, 1, 170)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Miami, FL 33186", printFont11, Brushes.Black, 1, 190)

Print Ship To
Dim R As Rectangle

If ShipToAdd2.Length = 0 Then
R = New Rectangle(30, 225, 250, 110)
R = New Rectangle(30, 225, 250, 130)
End If

Dim bp1 As New Pen(Color.Black, 1)
Dim p1 As New Point(30, 248)
Dim p2 As New Point(280, 248)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Ship To", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 35, 230)
e.Graphics.DrawLine(bp1, p1, p2)

e.Graphics.DrawString(ShipToName + vbCrLf, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 35, 250)
e.Graphics.DrawString(ShipToAdd1 + vbCrLf, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 35, 270)

If ShipToAdd2.Length = 0 Then
e.Graphics.DrawString(ShipToCSZ + vbCrLf, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 35, 290)
e.Graphics.DrawString(ShipToCountry + vbCrLf, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 35, 310)
e.Graphics.DrawString(ShipToAdd2 + vbCrLf, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 35, 290)
e.Graphics.DrawString(ShipToCSZ + vbCrLf, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 35, 310)
e.Graphics.DrawString(ShipToCountry + vbCrLf, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 35, 330)
End If

Print Top Header Packing Slip Info
e.Graphics.DrawString("Packing Slip", printFont18B, Brushes.Black, 610, 1)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R12)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Date", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 582, 50)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R13)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Order#", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 702, 50)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R14)
e.Graphics.DrawString(OrderDate, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 582, 75)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R15)
e.Graphics.DrawString(iID, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 702, 75)

Print Email, Phone, AES, P.O., and Ship Method Info
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R2)
e.Graphics.DrawString("E-mail", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 12, 360)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R3)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Phone", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 232, 360)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R4)
e.Graphics.DrawString("AES", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 352, 360)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R5)
e.Graphics.DrawString("P.O. Number", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 502, 360)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R6)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Ship Method", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 617, 360)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R7)
e.Graphics.DrawString(Email, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 12, 390)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R8)
e.Graphics.DrawString(Phone, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 231, 390)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R9)
e.Graphics.DrawString(AESNumber, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 351, 390)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R10)
e.Graphics.DrawString(CustomValuesXml, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 501, 390)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R11)
e.Graphics.DrawString(ShippingMethod, printFont11, Brushes.Black, 617, 390)

Print Order Item Boxes and Headings
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R19)
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R20)
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R21)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R16)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Item Code", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 12, 450)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R17)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Description", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 162, 450)

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, R18)
e.Graphics.DrawString("Quantity", printFont11B, Brushes.Black, 682, 450)

Print Item Details
For j = 0 To lItem.Count - 1
e.Graphics.DrawString(lItem(j).ToString(), printFont11, Brushes.Black, 12, iLine)
e.Graphics.DrawString(lDesc(j).ToString(), printFont11, Brushes.Black, 162, iLine)
e.Graphics.DrawString(lQty(j).ToString(), printFont11, Brushes.Black, 682, iLine)
iLine += 15
Next j


iPrintPageCount += 1

If iPrintPageCount <= iOrderCount Then
e.HasMorePages = True
Exit Sub
e.HasMorePages = False
End If

End Sub

A few questions:

1. I think my PrintDocument1.Print() method needs to be out side my for each loop. Presently, it seems to create a new print report for each page. But not sure where to move this code. Can anyone help?

2. I tried to make it so that each page would print on a 8 1/2" by 11" letter-size paper. But the it seems to be slightly off on all 4 sides (top, bottom, left, right). Is there some property that I can set to fit on this size page or do I just have to change my positioning?

3. I changed the number of copies property = 2. But it seems to only print one copy. What am I doing wrong?

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