Hello all,
Im working on a customized datagridview class. Ive got one major issue I have no clue how to address. Drag & Drop.
Im not picky about the "from" control, it can be a listbox, dgv, anything like that, whatevers easier. I need to drag the item from it (string) and be able to drop it onto the selected DGV cell, apply a few bits of logic (ie saving it to my dataset), and have the text remain in that cell. I know it has something to do with the drag events, but thats all I know. Any useful pointers? Ive found a few threads on it, but by that time all the comments were conflicting as to what worked and didnt and my attempts failed.
Anyone whos good at this mind offering a few suggestions? Like which events to use and what I actually do with them? For clarity, it needs to go to the exact cell I drop it on, not just the row or column. String data being dragged.
May the fleas of a thousand camels feast happily on the lower regions of your enemies. And may their arms be too short to scratch!
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Im working on a customized datagridview class. Ive got one major issue I have no clue how to address. Drag & Drop.
Im not picky about the "from" control, it can be a listbox, dgv, anything like that, whatevers easier. I need to drag the item from it (string) and be able to drop it onto the selected DGV cell, apply a few bits of logic (ie saving it to my dataset), and have the text remain in that cell. I know it has something to do with the drag events, but thats all I know. Any useful pointers? Ive found a few threads on it, but by that time all the comments were conflicting as to what worked and didnt and my attempts failed.
Anyone whos good at this mind offering a few suggestions? Like which events to use and what I actually do with them? For clarity, it needs to go to the exact cell I drop it on, not just the row or column. String data being dragged.
May the fleas of a thousand camels feast happily on the lower regions of your enemies. And may their arms be too short to scratch!
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