Pete Laker
Come forth all you technical gurus and word wizards!
Its time to show us what youve got, what you know, what you found out!
Spare your fellow professionals from the same mistake!
Share your revelations and awesome ways of doing things!
All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something you had to solve for your own days work today.
Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to TechNet Wiki.
2) Add a link to it on THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know youve contributed)
3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
Junes entries are with our judges right now, but here is a reminder of the previous months winners.
BizTalk Technical Guru – May 2016
Kjetil Tonstad Top 10 Tips From a BizTalk Admin to BizTalk Developers TGN: “I love this, how to help each other. Well done Kjetil!”
JS: “Integration apps are a lot more than coding. Always remember these.”
SW: “Great article. With the current DevOps trend alignment between developers and administers is key!”
Ed Price: “This is a good set of tips, with a few helpful images, and the Reference links at the bottom give more context. Great job!”
Eldert Grootenboer BizTalk Server: Processing large files (streaming) Ed Price: “Great mix of code, images, and descriptions. Although the code isn’t broken up much (with explanations of what the code does), all the code comments make up for it and make it super clear! Good to end with the See Also section!”
SW: “Streaming large message can be a challenge with BizTalk. This article provide guidance in that area. Very good!”
TGN: “I love this, well explained and a question that is very relevant to BizTalk”
SMSVikasK BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Dynamics CRM Online / On Premise CRUD Operations (Part 1) JS: “Seeing a lot of CRM lately. Good info for anyone who hasn’t worked with it before.”
SW: “CRUD om Dynamics guidance article. Good”
Ed Price: “Great description (I like CRUD) and fantastic use of images, although it would be better with more explanations in the text.”
TGN: “Why did you split these up into to articles? good article though”
Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru – May 2016
Peter Geelen FIM2010 / MIM2016: Run profile statistics with PowerShell and Excel Pivot Tables Ed Price: “I love the code formatting with the scroll bar. Great explanations and use of images!”
Peter Geelen FIM2010 / MIM2016: Run profile statistics with SQL and Excel Pivot Tables Ed Price: “It’s great to have the downloads on TechNet Gallery!”
Microsoft Azure Technical Guru – May 2016
Bhushan Gawale Getting Started with Azure Automation DSC AS: “Very good and helpful article! Thanks for publishing!”
Ed Price: “Great starting point for learning Azure Automation DSC! Good use of images and code, with excellent explanations!”
Sibeesh Venu Creating Azure Mobile App With Visual Studio AS: “Good starting point, but for me all screenshots are broken – none of them is visible. I would find it particularly useful if you just have provided links to a more detailed article(s) on how to configure Visual Studio for windows Mobile development. And probably just show a sample with HTML/JS or UWP (if it is available)”
Ed Price: “What an important topic that’s very well described! The images add a lot of value!”
Sandro Pereira Azure Logic Apps: Tips and Tricks about the “new” Logic Apps Designer AS: “A good overview of designer features! I would however also expect to see the less known fact that drop down lists are actually filtered and there is much more to discover when you begin typing into the search field.”
Ed Price: “The images are magnificently assembled to make this process incredibly clear. A very important topic! Great job!”
Miscellaneous Technical Guru – May 2016
Chilberto Connecting a BitBucket Repository to Visual Studio Team Services Richard Mueller: “Well explained. We need links/references.”
Ed Price: “Great use of images. This is a fantastic scenario! It could use a See Also section. “
Carmelo La Monica Manage analog sensor with Raspberry pi2 Richard Mueller: “Grammar needs work and we need links/references.”
Ed Price: “Thorough, and great to have the code and images! But it could benefit from breaking apart the code and explaining what it does more, as well as ending with See Also and References sections. Great to have the TOC.”
SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru – May 2016
Dan Christian How to build a custom report for SharePoint Server lists, libraries or sites John Naguib: “Great one well done”
Margriet Bruggeman: “Great article with not only text, but also images and videos to make this very user friendly.”
Hezequias Vasconcelos: “Great article. Content technical good. Well detailed, great of attached reference materials. Excellent technical guide.”
Ed Price: “Fantastically thorough, with great images and explanations, and once again, your YouTube videos just blow me away, with how well they help tell the story and are integrated into the article like this! It’s a true art form!”
Waqas Sarwar SharePoint 2016 How to Change SuitBar’s Text PowerShell Hezequias Vasconcelos: “Good content new platform SharePoint 2016. great scripts and well distributed in the Shell”
Ed Price: “Short and sweet! Fantastic scenario. It could use more references and links to other Wiki articles.”
Vivek JAGGA Alternative Solutions to the Deprecated Features in SharePoint 2016 Ed Price: “I love how you’re very clear at the front of this article (as an overview) and then dig deeper into the specifics. Good references at the end.”
John Naguib: “Nice article you can add also the development area”
Margriet Bruggeman: “Useful article with good alternatives. “
Small Basic Technical Guru – May 2016
Philip Munts Small Basic: Simpler and Cheaper Raspberry Pi GPIO Michiel Van Hoorn: “This is really Awesome (see also the original article). It opens up Small Basic to the real world. ”
Ed Price: “Building off his Raspberry Pi article, this article does an amazing job of digging deeper and showing you more options, such as Raspberry Pi Zero.”
Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: Image Michiel Van Hoorn: “Really cool overview of working with Images (like photos) in SmallBasic. We good topic to inspire programming”
Ed Price: “Very thorough end to end overview of using Images!”
SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru – May 2016
Greg Deckler Good Ol’ VLOOKUP – The Ultimate Guide to Lookups in Power BI PT: “Quite a valuable and well-written article. Thank you for the extensive coverage of various lookup techniques.”
RB: “Interesting comparison of the lookup techniques available within Power BI.”
Anil Maharjan How to find a Calculated Measure and Calculated Dimension within a particular cube PT: “This submission a very brief and just mentions a little information that is common knowledge and easily discovered with a simple web search.”
RB: “Interesting tip, a screen dump of the result with all the columns would have been great.”
SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru – May 2016
Chervine Stretching SQL Server 2016 tables to the Azure Cloud JS: “Great article, your explanations and samples are spot on.”
Ed Price: “Super valuable scenario! Love the diagram, code snippets, and screen shots!”
Shanky What Does Fragmentation Means In a Heap Table In SQL Server Ed Price: “Very thorough! Great references at the end.”
System Center Technical Guru – May 2016
vishwanatham sridhar SCOM Connector Design prototype Ed Price: “Great scenario with some helpful reference links!”
Anders Rodland SCCM 2012 R2 step-by-step: upgrade of SP1 to current branch – Step by Step Ed Price: “Missing the images. Very thorough steps! Great use of the TOC. Could benefit from references.”
Anders Rodland System Center Configuration Manager Build Numbers Ed Price: “Good collection of builds and KBs!”
Transact-SQL Technical Guru – May 2016
Universal Windows Apps Technical Guru – May 2016
Namrah Khurram Traffic Lights Simulation via LEDs on Raspberry Pi TGN: “Man this is cool. Good information and well structured. well I’m impresses Namrah!”
Ed Price: “A cool scenario that’s masterfully explained! The code has great formatting. It could benefit from See Also and References sections at the end.”
Manuel Cota “DrawIndexedInstanced and the Concepts behind a Home-Made Game Engine” Ed Price: “It could benefit from a TOC at the top and from See Also and References sections at the bottom, but I love how this breaks down the code and explains everything in depth! Great use of diagrams!”
TGN: “I learned a lot from this article. Well done, thanks for sharing!”
Sajid Ali Khan UWP: Things Required To Do Right After Creation of New Project Ed Price: “Great use of images and good References section at the end! I love how the code is both on GitHub and MSDN Gallery and how the download links are given!”
TGN: “This can help a lot of people, my favourite this month! Thanks for sharing Sajid”
Visual C# Technical Guru – May 2016
Emiliano Musso Entity Framework Introduction using C#, part I Ed Price: “This is a masterful article, It’s thoroughly broken down, and it leverages images, great code formatting, and even a download and an Italian language version at the end!”
Jaliya Udagedara: “Great article with step by step explanation. If you are a newbie to EF, read this one article which will cover most of the basics. And you can download the sample code from MSDN Code Gallery.”
Carmelo La Monica: “Good and very impressive article, it explain in all parts Entity Framework 7, i attend second part “
SYEDSHANU MVC ASP.NET Identity customizing for adding profile image Carmelo La Monica: “Very good expression, good images and very detailed in all parts.”
Ed Price: “Very thorough steps! Great scenario!”
Jaliya Udagedara: “Good article explaining how you can manage your profile picture with a ASP.NET MVC application. Sample code is available in MSDN Code Gallery.”
Wiki and Portals Technical Guru – May 2016
Peter Geelen Wiki: Fixing table layout (table right side off page) Richard Mueller: “Great information that will help a great deal to fix tables in the Wiki. Good use of Wiki guidelines.”
Ed Price: “This is a fantastic solution from Peter!”
Windows PowerShell Technical Guru – May 2016
Matt McNabb Office 365: How to Manager User License Lifecycle with PowerShell Ed Price: “Wow! Great description of these steps, and it ends well with several other links to dig into!”
Richard Mueller: “Good TOC. An excellent idea to code this and overcome limitations. This should be very useful.”
Arleta Wanat SharePoint Online: Get all checked-out files using Powershell Richard Mueller: “Good headings and TOC. Good ideas and well explained.”
Ed Price: “Great scenario and use of PowerShell code!”
Windows Server Technical Guru – May 2016
Kia Zhi Tang (Ryen Tang) Nano Server: Using New-NanoServerImage with Show-Command to deploy Nano Server Mark Parris: “Excellent article on the deployment of Nano server. ”
JM: “This is an excellent article on building a new Nano Server, thanks for your contribution!”
Richard Mueller: “Good use of Wiki guidelines, with even horizontal rules and Return to top links. Show-Command is a very interesting feature I like a lot. Good references.”
Thanks in advance!
Pete Laker

Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! Youll never get archived again, and you could win weekly awards!
Have you got what it takes o become this months TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
Continue reading...
Its time to show us what youve got, what you know, what you found out!
Spare your fellow professionals from the same mistake!
Share your revelations and awesome ways of doing things!
All you have to do is add an article to TechNet Wiki from your own specialist field. Something that fits into one of the categories listed on the submissions page. Copy in your own blog posts, a forum solution, a white paper, or just something you had to solve for your own days work today.
Drop us some nifty knowledge, or superb snippets, and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU OF THE MONTH!
This is an official Microsoft TechNet recognition, where people such as yourselves can truly get noticed!
1) Please copy over your Microsoft technical solutions and revelations to TechNet Wiki.
2) Add a link to it on THIS WIKI COMPETITION PAGE (so we know youve contributed)
3) Every month, we will highlight your contributions, and select a "Guru of the Month" in each technology.
If you win, we will sing your praises in blogs and forums, similar to the weekly contributor awards. Once "on our radar" and making your mark, you will probably be interviewed for your greatness, and maybe eventually even invited into other inner TechNet/MSDN circles!
Winning this award in your favoured technology will help us learn the active members in each community.
Junes entries are with our judges right now, but here is a reminder of the previous months winners.

Kjetil Tonstad Top 10 Tips From a BizTalk Admin to BizTalk Developers TGN: “I love this, how to help each other. Well done Kjetil!”
JS: “Integration apps are a lot more than coding. Always remember these.”
SW: “Great article. With the current DevOps trend alignment between developers and administers is key!”
Ed Price: “This is a good set of tips, with a few helpful images, and the Reference links at the bottom give more context. Great job!”

Eldert Grootenboer BizTalk Server: Processing large files (streaming) Ed Price: “Great mix of code, images, and descriptions. Although the code isn’t broken up much (with explanations of what the code does), all the code comments make up for it and make it super clear! Good to end with the See Also section!”
SW: “Streaming large message can be a challenge with BizTalk. This article provide guidance in that area. Very good!”
TGN: “I love this, well explained and a question that is very relevant to BizTalk”

SMSVikasK BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Dynamics CRM Online / On Premise CRUD Operations (Part 1) JS: “Seeing a lot of CRM lately. Good info for anyone who hasn’t worked with it before.”
SW: “CRUD om Dynamics guidance article. Good”
Ed Price: “Great description (I like CRUD) and fantastic use of images, although it would be better with more explanations in the text.”
TGN: “Why did you split these up into to articles? good article though”

Peter Geelen FIM2010 / MIM2016: Run profile statistics with PowerShell and Excel Pivot Tables Ed Price: “I love the code formatting with the scroll bar. Great explanations and use of images!”

Peter Geelen FIM2010 / MIM2016: Run profile statistics with SQL and Excel Pivot Tables Ed Price: “It’s great to have the downloads on TechNet Gallery!”

Bhushan Gawale Getting Started with Azure Automation DSC AS: “Very good and helpful article! Thanks for publishing!”
Ed Price: “Great starting point for learning Azure Automation DSC! Good use of images and code, with excellent explanations!”

Sibeesh Venu Creating Azure Mobile App With Visual Studio AS: “Good starting point, but for me all screenshots are broken – none of them is visible. I would find it particularly useful if you just have provided links to a more detailed article(s) on how to configure Visual Studio for windows Mobile development. And probably just show a sample with HTML/JS or UWP (if it is available)”
Ed Price: “What an important topic that’s very well described! The images add a lot of value!”

Sandro Pereira Azure Logic Apps: Tips and Tricks about the “new” Logic Apps Designer AS: “A good overview of designer features! I would however also expect to see the less known fact that drop down lists are actually filtered and there is much more to discover when you begin typing into the search field.”
Ed Price: “The images are magnificently assembled to make this process incredibly clear. A very important topic! Great job!”

Chilberto Connecting a BitBucket Repository to Visual Studio Team Services Richard Mueller: “Well explained. We need links/references.”
Ed Price: “Great use of images. This is a fantastic scenario! It could use a See Also section. “

Carmelo La Monica Manage analog sensor with Raspberry pi2 Richard Mueller: “Grammar needs work and we need links/references.”
Ed Price: “Thorough, and great to have the code and images! But it could benefit from breaking apart the code and explaining what it does more, as well as ending with See Also and References sections. Great to have the TOC.”

Dan Christian How to build a custom report for SharePoint Server lists, libraries or sites John Naguib: “Great one well done”
Margriet Bruggeman: “Great article with not only text, but also images and videos to make this very user friendly.”
Hezequias Vasconcelos: “Great article. Content technical good. Well detailed, great of attached reference materials. Excellent technical guide.”
Ed Price: “Fantastically thorough, with great images and explanations, and once again, your YouTube videos just blow me away, with how well they help tell the story and are integrated into the article like this! It’s a true art form!”

Waqas Sarwar SharePoint 2016 How to Change SuitBar’s Text PowerShell Hezequias Vasconcelos: “Good content new platform SharePoint 2016. great scripts and well distributed in the Shell”
Ed Price: “Short and sweet! Fantastic scenario. It could use more references and links to other Wiki articles.”

Vivek JAGGA Alternative Solutions to the Deprecated Features in SharePoint 2016 Ed Price: “I love how you’re very clear at the front of this article (as an overview) and then dig deeper into the specifics. Good references at the end.”
John Naguib: “Nice article you can add also the development area”
Margriet Bruggeman: “Useful article with good alternatives. “

Philip Munts Small Basic: Simpler and Cheaper Raspberry Pi GPIO Michiel Van Hoorn: “This is really Awesome (see also the original article). It opens up Small Basic to the real world. ”
Ed Price: “Building off his Raspberry Pi article, this article does an amazing job of digging deeper and showing you more options, such as Raspberry Pi Zero.”

Nonki Takahashi Small Basic: Image Michiel Van Hoorn: “Really cool overview of working with Images (like photos) in SmallBasic. We good topic to inspire programming”
Ed Price: “Very thorough end to end overview of using Images!”

Greg Deckler Good Ol’ VLOOKUP – The Ultimate Guide to Lookups in Power BI PT: “Quite a valuable and well-written article. Thank you for the extensive coverage of various lookup techniques.”
RB: “Interesting comparison of the lookup techniques available within Power BI.”

Anil Maharjan How to find a Calculated Measure and Calculated Dimension within a particular cube PT: “This submission a very brief and just mentions a little information that is common knowledge and easily discovered with a simple web search.”
RB: “Interesting tip, a screen dump of the result with all the columns would have been great.”

Chervine Stretching SQL Server 2016 tables to the Azure Cloud JS: “Great article, your explanations and samples are spot on.”
Ed Price: “Super valuable scenario! Love the diagram, code snippets, and screen shots!”

Shanky What Does Fragmentation Means In a Heap Table In SQL Server Ed Price: “Very thorough! Great references at the end.”

vishwanatham sridhar SCOM Connector Design prototype Ed Price: “Great scenario with some helpful reference links!”

Anders Rodland SCCM 2012 R2 step-by-step: upgrade of SP1 to current branch – Step by Step Ed Price: “Missing the images. Very thorough steps! Great use of the TOC. Could benefit from references.”

Anders Rodland System Center Configuration Manager Build Numbers Ed Price: “Good collection of builds and KBs!”

Namrah Khurram Traffic Lights Simulation via LEDs on Raspberry Pi TGN: “Man this is cool. Good information and well structured. well I’m impresses Namrah!”
Ed Price: “A cool scenario that’s masterfully explained! The code has great formatting. It could benefit from See Also and References sections at the end.”

Manuel Cota “DrawIndexedInstanced and the Concepts behind a Home-Made Game Engine” Ed Price: “It could benefit from a TOC at the top and from See Also and References sections at the bottom, but I love how this breaks down the code and explains everything in depth! Great use of diagrams!”
TGN: “I learned a lot from this article. Well done, thanks for sharing!”

Sajid Ali Khan UWP: Things Required To Do Right After Creation of New Project Ed Price: “Great use of images and good References section at the end! I love how the code is both on GitHub and MSDN Gallery and how the download links are given!”
TGN: “This can help a lot of people, my favourite this month! Thanks for sharing Sajid”

Emiliano Musso Entity Framework Introduction using C#, part I Ed Price: “This is a masterful article, It’s thoroughly broken down, and it leverages images, great code formatting, and even a download and an Italian language version at the end!”
Jaliya Udagedara: “Great article with step by step explanation. If you are a newbie to EF, read this one article which will cover most of the basics. And you can download the sample code from MSDN Code Gallery.”
Carmelo La Monica: “Good and very impressive article, it explain in all parts Entity Framework 7, i attend second part “

SYEDSHANU MVC ASP.NET Identity customizing for adding profile image Carmelo La Monica: “Very good expression, good images and very detailed in all parts.”
Ed Price: “Very thorough steps! Great scenario!”
Jaliya Udagedara: “Good article explaining how you can manage your profile picture with a ASP.NET MVC application. Sample code is available in MSDN Code Gallery.”

Peter Geelen Wiki: Fixing table layout (table right side off page) Richard Mueller: “Great information that will help a great deal to fix tables in the Wiki. Good use of Wiki guidelines.”
Ed Price: “This is a fantastic solution from Peter!”

Matt McNabb Office 365: How to Manager User License Lifecycle with PowerShell Ed Price: “Wow! Great description of these steps, and it ends well with several other links to dig into!”
Richard Mueller: “Good TOC. An excellent idea to code this and overcome limitations. This should be very useful.”

Arleta Wanat SharePoint Online: Get all checked-out files using Powershell Richard Mueller: “Good headings and TOC. Good ideas and well explained.”
Ed Price: “Great scenario and use of PowerShell code!”

Kia Zhi Tang (Ryen Tang) Nano Server: Using New-NanoServerImage with Show-Command to deploy Nano Server Mark Parris: “Excellent article on the deployment of Nano server. ”
JM: “This is an excellent article on building a new Nano Server, thanks for your contribution!”
Richard Mueller: “Good use of Wiki guidelines, with even horizontal rules and Return to top links. Show-Command is a very interesting feature I like a lot. Good references.”
Thanks in advance!
Pete Laker

Got any nice code? If you invest time in coding an elegant, novel or impressive answer on MSDN forums, why not copy it over to TechNet Wiki, for future generations to benefit from! Youll never get archived again, and you could win weekly awards!
Have you got what it takes o become this months TechNet Technical Guru? Join a long list of well known community big hitters, show your knowledge and prowess in your favoured technologies!
Continue reading...