I have a VB project where I have added the Windows Media Player as a component. The project is a radio that accesses six internet radio stations. I have a 64-bit processor. When I debug, everything works fine, but when I do a rebuild, I get the following error message:
To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer: The variable AxWindowsMediaPlayer1 is either undeclared or was never assigned. When I select "Go to Code," it takes me to this line of code: Me.Controls.Add(Me.AxWindowsMediaPlayer1).
In the Error List, Current Project, I get the following:
"Processing COM reference "WMPLib" from path c:\WINDOWS\system32\wmp.dll. Type library importer encountered a property getter sessionPlaylistCount on type WMPLib.IWMPNowPlayingHelperDispatch without a valid return type. The importer will attempt to import this property as a method instead."
"Processing COM reference "WMPLib" from path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wmp.dll. At lease one of the arguments for IWMPGraphEventHandler.NotifyAcquireCredentials cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate."
Can anyone help me to understand these error messages and explain what I need to do to correct these issues? Thanks so much for any help you can give me!
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To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer: The variable AxWindowsMediaPlayer1 is either undeclared or was never assigned. When I select "Go to Code," it takes me to this line of code: Me.Controls.Add(Me.AxWindowsMediaPlayer1).
In the Error List, Current Project, I get the following:
"Processing COM reference "WMPLib" from path c:\WINDOWS\system32\wmp.dll. Type library importer encountered a property getter sessionPlaylistCount on type WMPLib.IWMPNowPlayingHelperDispatch without a valid return type. The importer will attempt to import this property as a method instead."
"Processing COM reference "WMPLib" from path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\wmp.dll. At lease one of the arguments for IWMPGraphEventHandler.NotifyAcquireCredentials cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate."
Can anyone help me to understand these error messages and explain what I need to do to correct these issues? Thanks so much for any help you can give me!
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