I'm trying to create a class to receive information from a serialized JSON string. The definition for the value is "map of arbitrary key -> value" by which I understand the key name and value are both strings but the problem is that the key name can be anything.
Here's an example of the incoming data:
So, from the deserializer's point of view, the variable name is 'info'. It contains an array of zero or more objects that map a key to a value. In my example let's have a class named MetData. It contains an info. What is the syntax that should be associated with info?
public class MetaData
public string info; // 'string' is wrong.
// How to define map of arbitrary key —> value
Richard Lewis Haggard
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Here's an example of the incoming data:
So, from the deserializer's point of view, the variable name is 'info'. It contains an array of zero or more objects that map a key to a value. In my example let's have a class named MetData. It contains an info. What is the syntax that should be associated with info?
public class MetaData
public string info; // 'string' is wrong.
// How to define map of arbitrary key —> value
Richard Lewis Haggard
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