And I just override the default CWinAppEx::OnFileNew method by
Hi, I am using Visual Studio 2015 to develop a single document MFC program.
void CmyappApp::OnFileNew()
MessageBox(NULL, _T("hello.\n"), _T("Error"), MB_OKCANCEL);
Then I find that the method above is called automatically upon executing the program, because I see the Message box immediately after the program window shows up.
I traced the stack and found that the onFileNew method gets called in CmyappApp::InitInstance by 2 functions:
1)ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo), in which cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = CCommandLineInfo::FileNew by default.
2) m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow();
I don't what UpdateWindow() actually does, however if ProcessShellCommand is skipped by, for example, setting cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = CCommandLineInfo::FileNothing, the following exception will be thrown by UpdateWindow():
Exception thrown at 0x101CCC0E (mfc140ud.dll) in mrteditor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000020.
Finally I have to adopt the following workaround:
first, declare a flag initFlag which is initialized to true in the constructor of CmyappApp.
second, set initFlag=false at the end of CmyappApp::InitInstance().
Third, kick the routine into different branches according to the value of initFlag:
void CmyappApp::OnFileNew()
if (initFlag) {
// my codes go here
But this way looks dirty:-( Is there any more elegant way to resolve this?
Thank you!
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Hi, I am using Visual Studio 2015 to develop a single document MFC program.
void CmyappApp::OnFileNew()
MessageBox(NULL, _T("hello.\n"), _T("Error"), MB_OKCANCEL);
Then I find that the method above is called automatically upon executing the program, because I see the Message box immediately after the program window shows up.
I traced the stack and found that the onFileNew method gets called in CmyappApp::InitInstance by 2 functions:
1)ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo), in which cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = CCommandLineInfo::FileNew by default.
2) m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow();
I don't what UpdateWindow() actually does, however if ProcessShellCommand is skipped by, for example, setting cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = CCommandLineInfo::FileNothing, the following exception will be thrown by UpdateWindow():
Exception thrown at 0x101CCC0E (mfc140ud.dll) in mrteditor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000020.
Finally I have to adopt the following workaround:
first, declare a flag initFlag which is initialized to true in the constructor of CmyappApp.
second, set initFlag=false at the end of CmyappApp::InitInstance().
Third, kick the routine into different branches according to the value of initFlag:
void CmyappApp::OnFileNew()
if (initFlag) {
// my codes go here
But this way looks dirty:-( Is there any more elegant way to resolve this?
Thank you!
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