IsWow64Process() returning incorrect information on elevated process

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I have a 32 bit process running in Admin mode. A second process running in non-admin mode then queries its WOW64 state. The data return by IsWow64Process() indicate the Admin mode process is not a WOW64 process implying it's a 64 bit process. This is highly disruptive. Is there a way round this problem other than to elevate the query'er process? Thanks.

Pretend the following is c++ code ;)

PHandle = Win32.OpenProcess ( Win32.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | Win32.PROCESS_VM_READ, false, Pid );

Win32.IsWow64Process ( PHandle, out Is32Bit );

On an un-elevated query'er, Is32Bit receives a FALSE.

On an elevated query'er, Is32Bit receives a TRUE.

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