I've used the Visual Studio project wizards to create some basic GUI apps with VC++.
When debugging, I've noticed the native MFC code to be riddled with syntax such as this:
For exmaple, I created a simple Windows app titled MFCApp.
The wizard naturally creates classes derived from CwinAppEx, CDocument and CView, called, CMFCAppAPP, CMFCAppDoc and CMFCAppView.
Inside the implementation of these derived classes I frequently encounter code like:
void CMFCAppDoc::AssertValid() const
void CMFCAppView:ump(CDumpContext& dc) const
I am very perplexed by this because according to all the books I've read and my experience, you can only call a base class method via the scope resolution operator, if and only if that said method is Static, which in all these exaples I have encountered in the MFC code, that is not true. The compiler should flag a compilation error C2352 a link to which is here:
Compiler Error C2352
Please help me because I'm highly perplexed.
Many Thanks, Rez
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When debugging, I've noticed the native MFC code to be riddled with syntax such as this:
For exmaple, I created a simple Windows app titled MFCApp.
The wizard naturally creates classes derived from CwinAppEx, CDocument and CView, called, CMFCAppAPP, CMFCAppDoc and CMFCAppView.
Inside the implementation of these derived classes I frequently encounter code like:
void CMFCAppDoc::AssertValid() const
void CMFCAppView:ump(CDumpContext& dc) const
I am very perplexed by this because according to all the books I've read and my experience, you can only call a base class method via the scope resolution operator, if and only if that said method is Static, which in all these exaples I have encountered in the MFC code, that is not true. The compiler should flag a compilation error C2352 a link to which is here:
Compiler Error C2352
Please help me because I'm highly perplexed.
Many Thanks, Rez
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