I want to draw a diagram inside the Excel page
1-A diagram that has columns that can be divided into two parts: vertical = mony and horizontal = type
2-The other plan is the same lines as the previous method below the scheme of columns
horizontal = type 1- credit ,2 debit , 3 difference
column 1 color reed credit
column 2 color green debit
column 3 color yellow
vertical = mony value come from ==> credit=sum e ,debit==>sum f ,difference==>sum g
For I = 2 To excelWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(excelWorksheet.Range("e" & I).Value) = False AndAlso String.IsNullOrEmpty(excelWorksheet.Range("f" & I).Value) = False Then
excelWorksheet.Range("g" & I).Value = "=e" & I & "-f" & I
End If
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I want to draw a diagram inside the Excel page
1-A diagram that has columns that can be divided into two parts: vertical = mony and horizontal = type
2-The other plan is the same lines as the previous method below the scheme of columns
horizontal = type 1- credit ,2 debit , 3 difference
column 1 color reed credit
column 2 color green debit
column 3 color yellow
vertical = mony value come from ==> credit=sum e ,debit==>sum f ,difference==>sum g
For I = 2 To excelWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(excelWorksheet.Range("e" & I).Value) = False AndAlso String.IsNullOrEmpty(excelWorksheet.Range("f" & I).Value) = False Then
excelWorksheet.Range("g" & I).Value = "=e" & I & "-f" & I
End If
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