Spanky daMonkey
<Go fly your crazy savage a$$ down the road back to whatever planet and
hole you crawled out of. A *savage* is a *savage*>
<What, like I crawled up you mama's and made that b*oty call with my
johnson? And then she had you!>
<Really? Do you think so? Anyway, you come negative out of the gate and
you don't own the NG. In other words, you can kiss Spank da Monkey's and
my a$S too -- LOL, LOL and LOL.>
<I got the same amount of time you have on your hands Geritol Atricks,
since I have seen you posting too, and now you need to be in my face,
which I don't think you want to be here because you can't out game me on
the game.>
<One other thing *savage*, *savages* can't change their *savage* spots
their *savage* writing styles or their *savage* Arrested Development
mindset. <g>>
<It's the same old song, dance and ambulance chasing Arrested
Development Albright. Now, listen to me, because a *savage* can't change
their spots. And that's two savages two savages into one. >
<Why should I read some worthless ass $**** from you about your a$$inine
fanboy delusions? That's all you post anyway. It's the same old
worthless $hit out of a worthless old fool that's been read from you --
<You are just a lent licker that's got a wild hair up your a$$.>
<The goddess has spoken. So let it be written, and let it be done.
The goddess can't even toast a piece of bread in a toaster. If you wait
on her, you might be in your grave before it happens.>
<And you are my whipping boy. The black whip is bloody, and I need to
wipe the steel toes on the steel toe shoes that have been in your behind
-- both shoes.>
<But I saw you coming out of the office the other day, and the doctor
threw the entire prescription pad at you, and he told you to fill it out
yourself for all the pills ever made by mankind and then some, because
you were beyond help.>
<What needs to happen is you need to find a tall building like the Sears
Tower and just jump off of it to end your worthless a$$ life.>
<What the hell are you talking? Albright has insulted you and tried to
kick your worthless ass. What was that $hit you posted the other day
about it really can't be stopped? You talk to Albright's crazy ass. Now
take you sorry a$$ doing the same thing and walk on down the road.>
<That's kind of funny when I have only been on Albright's ass mostly
Geritol Atricks. Maybe, you need some tissues for your tears. Should I
get you some, because nothing changing.>
<Oh my god, you don't try to speak for others? That's the only thing you
do all day long is try to give your worthless $.02 on everything for
<Yes, that's because you seem a little sweet in the tank, only a *cow*
like you will chase like this, so I have to keep an eye on you.>
<Who has set you off again? No one needs a clock with you as you're like
clock work. I think you just came out of the bathroom and had a little
food before you're back at it again. Did you wash your hands first
before you started eating or are you nasty? I suspect that you are nasty.>
<Every post you have made has hit the killfile with no laughter with
only your most loyal fools looking at you. What about that other
worthless post you made about PPT files when you went to left field?>
<I am only for you now, since you want to play the game. And your mama,
your wife, as a matter of fact your entire family on both sides are a
bunch of douche bags.>
<I got the same amount of time you have on your hands Geritol Atricks,
since I have seen you posting too, and now you need to be in my face,
which I don't think you want to be here because you can't out game me on
the game.>
<Look at the savage do his thing.>
<You're an authority on being an Arrested Development fool and an
ambulance chaser that needs to get your rocks off in the NG, because
that part of your anatomy is arrested/stopped too, because you can't
get it up in real life anymore.>
<Oh here we go. The goddess has really got her panties loose in the
NG and Tampon flying. Can you smell her?>
<It's the same old song, dance and ambulance chasing Arrested
Development Albright. Now, listen to me, because a *savage* can't change
their spots. And that's two savages two savages into one. >
<One other thing *savage*, *savages* can't change their *savage* spots
their *savage* writing styles or their *savage* Arrested Development
mindset. <g>>
<You need to do it, otherwise, this is just lip driveling service.>
<No, Arrested Development Albright, it is you that proves day in and day
out and night in and night out that you are an embicle that needs help.>
<This is to see who has the better game. The fanboy is in your Arrested
Development mind and one of your many delusions. You are worthless at
the game like the dumb old savage that you are.>
<Well, don't get your panties in a pinch about it, because no one is
paying attention to what you're talking about in the first place. It's
back to your creditability that you are hell bent on destroying. <Ditto>
on the troll part and you need to take a hard look in yourself in your
vanity mirror.>
<Well, *Adam* your sorry self and snake on down the road -- savage,
because all you do is babble. It doesn't make a difference what name you
post under. A savage can be spotted a mile away, because savages can't
change their savage spots.>
<I have read most of your posts here recently, and I know you are lying
about it. You post everything up in this NG but a post about predicting
your death, from your health insurance to your wife. You are a savage
and a *clown* --- Arrested Development.>
<The banter here destroys you and your credibility. If you have any
common sense, you'll bring this to a stop and separate yourself from it.>
<This is why 98% of the NG has you killfiled because of your constant
babble with Frank along with other babbling you do. You are destroying
yourself to the point that you're almost nonexistent and irrelevant in
people's eyes.>
<It doesn't matter what your message is about, because you are being
viewed as a nuisance. You should let Frank and Albright destroy
themselves and move away from it.>
<You have my sympathy This is what I mean by *Arrested Development*.
How old are you? I think you indicated at one point that you are 50
something? When did your development stop? Should we get you a lay down
rug so you can lay down with the other 1st graders to take your nap? A
man that's forever on Riddlin forever the Dennis Le Menace.>
hole you crawled out of. A *savage* is a *savage*>
<What, like I crawled up you mama's and made that b*oty call with my
johnson? And then she had you!>
<Really? Do you think so? Anyway, you come negative out of the gate and
you don't own the NG. In other words, you can kiss Spank da Monkey's and
my a$S too -- LOL, LOL and LOL.>
<I got the same amount of time you have on your hands Geritol Atricks,
since I have seen you posting too, and now you need to be in my face,
which I don't think you want to be here because you can't out game me on
the game.>
<One other thing *savage*, *savages* can't change their *savage* spots
their *savage* writing styles or their *savage* Arrested Development
mindset. <g>>
<It's the same old song, dance and ambulance chasing Arrested
Development Albright. Now, listen to me, because a *savage* can't change
their spots. And that's two savages two savages into one. >
<Why should I read some worthless ass $**** from you about your a$$inine
fanboy delusions? That's all you post anyway. It's the same old
worthless $hit out of a worthless old fool that's been read from you --
<You are just a lent licker that's got a wild hair up your a$$.>
<The goddess has spoken. So let it be written, and let it be done.
The goddess can't even toast a piece of bread in a toaster. If you wait
on her, you might be in your grave before it happens.>
<And you are my whipping boy. The black whip is bloody, and I need to
wipe the steel toes on the steel toe shoes that have been in your behind
-- both shoes.>
<But I saw you coming out of the office the other day, and the doctor
threw the entire prescription pad at you, and he told you to fill it out
yourself for all the pills ever made by mankind and then some, because
you were beyond help.>
<What needs to happen is you need to find a tall building like the Sears
Tower and just jump off of it to end your worthless a$$ life.>
<What the hell are you talking? Albright has insulted you and tried to
kick your worthless ass. What was that $hit you posted the other day
about it really can't be stopped? You talk to Albright's crazy ass. Now
take you sorry a$$ doing the same thing and walk on down the road.>
<That's kind of funny when I have only been on Albright's ass mostly
Geritol Atricks. Maybe, you need some tissues for your tears. Should I
get you some, because nothing changing.>
<Oh my god, you don't try to speak for others? That's the only thing you
do all day long is try to give your worthless $.02 on everything for
<Yes, that's because you seem a little sweet in the tank, only a *cow*
like you will chase like this, so I have to keep an eye on you.>
<Who has set you off again? No one needs a clock with you as you're like
clock work. I think you just came out of the bathroom and had a little
food before you're back at it again. Did you wash your hands first
before you started eating or are you nasty? I suspect that you are nasty.>
<Every post you have made has hit the killfile with no laughter with
only your most loyal fools looking at you. What about that other
worthless post you made about PPT files when you went to left field?>
<I am only for you now, since you want to play the game. And your mama,
your wife, as a matter of fact your entire family on both sides are a
bunch of douche bags.>
<I got the same amount of time you have on your hands Geritol Atricks,
since I have seen you posting too, and now you need to be in my face,
which I don't think you want to be here because you can't out game me on
the game.>
<Look at the savage do his thing.>
<You're an authority on being an Arrested Development fool and an
ambulance chaser that needs to get your rocks off in the NG, because
that part of your anatomy is arrested/stopped too, because you can't
get it up in real life anymore.>
<Oh here we go. The goddess has really got her panties loose in the
NG and Tampon flying. Can you smell her?>
<It's the same old song, dance and ambulance chasing Arrested
Development Albright. Now, listen to me, because a *savage* can't change
their spots. And that's two savages two savages into one. >
<One other thing *savage*, *savages* can't change their *savage* spots
their *savage* writing styles or their *savage* Arrested Development
mindset. <g>>
<You need to do it, otherwise, this is just lip driveling service.>
<No, Arrested Development Albright, it is you that proves day in and day
out and night in and night out that you are an embicle that needs help.>
<This is to see who has the better game. The fanboy is in your Arrested
Development mind and one of your many delusions. You are worthless at
the game like the dumb old savage that you are.>
<Well, don't get your panties in a pinch about it, because no one is
paying attention to what you're talking about in the first place. It's
back to your creditability that you are hell bent on destroying. <Ditto>
on the troll part and you need to take a hard look in yourself in your
vanity mirror.>
<Well, *Adam* your sorry self and snake on down the road -- savage,
because all you do is babble. It doesn't make a difference what name you
post under. A savage can be spotted a mile away, because savages can't
change their savage spots.>
<I have read most of your posts here recently, and I know you are lying
about it. You post everything up in this NG but a post about predicting
your death, from your health insurance to your wife. You are a savage
and a *clown* --- Arrested Development.>
<The banter here destroys you and your credibility. If you have any
common sense, you'll bring this to a stop and separate yourself from it.>
<This is why 98% of the NG has you killfiled because of your constant
babble with Frank along with other babbling you do. You are destroying
yourself to the point that you're almost nonexistent and irrelevant in
people's eyes.>
<It doesn't matter what your message is about, because you are being
viewed as a nuisance. You should let Frank and Albright destroy
themselves and move away from it.>
<You have my sympathy This is what I mean by *Arrested Development*.
How old are you? I think you indicated at one point that you are 50
something? When did your development stop? Should we get you a lay down
rug so you can lay down with the other 1st graders to take your nap? A
man that's forever on Riddlin forever the Dennis Le Menace.>