No matter what I do I can't get a PDF to simply open in C#.
I tried so many combinations of Process.Start with defining startinfo no startinfo, many attempts with double quotes, @ symbols etc...why is this so hard. Seems like it should just work.
This works great!!! Hard path.
Process.Start(@"C:\Lely Files\Milking and cooling software set 2018-39\Astronaut A5 v1.5 (b7)\documentation\Milking and cooling software set 2018-39.pdf");
This is wrecking my life, hours trying to get it to work, since my .exe can be anywhere on the PC I want to get current path and navigate to a nested path to a PDF or EXE and simply open them.
public string currentpath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
//public string currentpath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath).ToString(); Tried this, no luck.
string fullpath;
string fullfile;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Current Path " + currentpath);
string filename = @"Milking and cooling software set 2018-39.pdf";
fullpath = currentpath + @"\Astronaut A5 v1.5(b7)\documentation\";
MessageBox.Show("fullpath " + fullpath);
fullfile = fullpath + @filename;
MessageBox.Show("fullfile " + fullfile); CORRECT PATH to PDF File!! YES IT EXISTS THERE!!
Process.Start(fullfile); !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Keeps failing here even though the messagebox shows CORRECT PATH!
//Process.Start(@"C:\Lely Files\Milking and cooling software set 2018-39\Astronaut A5 v1.5 (b7)\documentation\Milking and cooling software set 2018-39.pdf");
Please help! Can't be that hard to Get current path where my EXE is launched, then combine current path with path to PDF and open the PDF!!!!
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I tried so many combinations of Process.Start with defining startinfo no startinfo, many attempts with double quotes, @ symbols etc...why is this so hard. Seems like it should just work.
This works great!!! Hard path.
Process.Start(@"C:\Lely Files\Milking and cooling software set 2018-39\Astronaut A5 v1.5 (b7)\documentation\Milking and cooling software set 2018-39.pdf");
This is wrecking my life, hours trying to get it to work, since my .exe can be anywhere on the PC I want to get current path and navigate to a nested path to a PDF or EXE and simply open them.
public string currentpath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
//public string currentpath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath).ToString(); Tried this, no luck.
string fullpath;
string fullfile;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Current Path " + currentpath);
string filename = @"Milking and cooling software set 2018-39.pdf";
fullpath = currentpath + @"\Astronaut A5 v1.5(b7)\documentation\";
MessageBox.Show("fullpath " + fullpath);
fullfile = fullpath + @filename;
MessageBox.Show("fullfile " + fullfile); CORRECT PATH to PDF File!! YES IT EXISTS THERE!!
Process.Start(fullfile); !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Keeps failing here even though the messagebox shows CORRECT PATH!
//Process.Start(@"C:\Lely Files\Milking and cooling software set 2018-39\Astronaut A5 v1.5 (b7)\documentation\Milking and cooling software set 2018-39.pdf");
Please help! Can't be that hard to Get current path where my EXE is launched, then combine current path with path to PDF and open the PDF!!!!
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