I have a small program that needs to calculate the sum of all numbers in a list with an anonymous method.I have the following delegates:
public delegate void filterElements(int x);
public delegate bool IntPr(int x);
public delegate void IntAc(int x);
public class IntList : List<int>
public IntList(params int[] elements) : base(elements)
public void Act(IntAc f)
foreach (int i in this)
public IntList Filter(IntPr p)
IntList res = new IntList();
foreach (int i in this)
if (p(i))
return res;
public void SumNumbers(filterElements s)
foreach (int i in this)
return s.Sum();//here I am tryint to get the sum of all elements in IntList s
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IntList s = new IntList(7, 9, 13, 23, 45, 1, 8, 45);
s.Filter(delegate (int x) { return x % 2 == 0; }).Act(Console.WriteLine);
//anonymous method that takes an IntList x and checks if one or more values inside it are > or = with 25.If yes,then print them on the console.
filterElements f = delegate(IntList x)
foreach(var i in x)
if (i >= 25)
filterElements v = s.AddNumbers;
var result=s.SumNumbers(delegate(int x, int y) { return x + y; }).
I declare a method AddNumbers which i want to return the total sum of a list's integers but it's not working as it says that s(filterElements) does not contain a definition of Sum.I want to use the method AddNumbers to calculate the total sum of IntList "s" but whatever i do,I still get error either on the method side,either when i try to calculate it.Can anyone please help me figure it out?
Best regards//
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I have a small program that needs to calculate the sum of all numbers in a list with an anonymous method.I have the following delegates:
public delegate void filterElements(int x);
public delegate bool IntPr(int x);
public delegate void IntAc(int x);
public class IntList : List<int>
public IntList(params int[] elements) : base(elements)
public void Act(IntAc f)
foreach (int i in this)
public IntList Filter(IntPr p)
IntList res = new IntList();
foreach (int i in this)
if (p(i))
return res;
public void SumNumbers(filterElements s)
foreach (int i in this)
return s.Sum();//here I am tryint to get the sum of all elements in IntList s
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IntList s = new IntList(7, 9, 13, 23, 45, 1, 8, 45);
s.Filter(delegate (int x) { return x % 2 == 0; }).Act(Console.WriteLine);
//anonymous method that takes an IntList x and checks if one or more values inside it are > or = with 25.If yes,then print them on the console.
filterElements f = delegate(IntList x)
foreach(var i in x)
if (i >= 25)
filterElements v = s.AddNumbers;
var result=s.SumNumbers(delegate(int x, int y) { return x + y; }).
I declare a method AddNumbers which i want to return the total sum of a list's integers but it's not working as it says that s(filterElements) does not contain a definition of Sum.I want to use the method AddNumbers to calculate the total sum of IntList "s" but whatever i do,I still get error either on the method side,either when i try to calculate it.Can anyone please help me figure it out?
Best regards//
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