*URGENT* Please help with Encoding Text for Huffman Code C# Program!!!

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Hello, I am trying to create a Huffman Code program in C# for a University Assignment and am having trouble getting it to encode the inputted text into binary, and then displaying it. Below is the code we have now, and this is a link to view the "skeleton" we MUST stick to for the assignment. Any help would be much appreciated as it is due tonight, thank you! Huffman Skeleton

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace COIS_Assignment2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string userText;

Console.WriteLine("Input some text!");
userText = Console.ReadLine();
Huffman bob = new Huffman(userText);

string encodedText = bob.Encode(userText);
//string decodedText = bob.Decode(encodedText);

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace COIS_Assignment2
public interface IContainer<T>
void MakeEmpty(); // Reset an instance to empty
bool Empty(); // Test if an instance is empty
int Size(); // Return the number of items in an instance

public interface IPriorityQueue<T> : IContainer<T> where T : IComparable
void Add(T item); // Add an item to a priority queue
void Remove(); // Remove the item with the highest priority
T Front(); // Return the item with the highest priority

// Priority Queue
// Implementation: Binary heap

public class PriorityQueue<T> : IPriorityQueue<T> where T : IComparable
private int capacity; // Maximum number of items in a priority queue
private T[] A; // Array of items
private int count; // Number of items in a priority queue

public PriorityQueue(int size)
capacity = size;
A = new T[size + 1]; // Indexing begins at 1
count = 0;

// Percolate up from position i in a priority queue

private void PercolateUp(int i)
// (Worst case) time complexity: O(log n)
int child = i, parent;

while (child > 1)
parent = child / 2;
if (A[child].CompareTo(A[parent]) > 0)
// If child has a higher priority than parent
// Swap parent and child
T item = A[child];
A[child] = A[parent];
A[parent] = item;
child = parent; // Move up child index to parent index
// Item is in its proper position

public void Add(T item)
// Time complexity: O(log n)
if (count < capacity)
A[++count] = item; // Place item at the next available position

// Percolate down from position i in a priority queue

private void PercolateDown(int i)
// Time complexity: O(log n)
int parent = i, child;

while (2 * parent <= count)
// while parent has at least one child
// Select the child with the highest priority
child = 2 * parent; // Left child index
if (child < count) // Right child also exists
if (A[child + 1].CompareTo(A[child]) > 0)
// Right child has a higher priority than left child

if (A[child].CompareTo(A[parent]) > 0)
// If child has a higher priority than parent
// Swap parent and child
T item = A[child];
A[child] = A[parent];
A[parent] = item;
parent = child; // Move down parent index to child index
// Item is in its proper place

public void Remove()
// Time complexity: O(log n)
if (!Empty())
// Remove item with highest priority (root) and
// replace it with the last item
A[1] = A[count--];

// Percolate down the new root item

public T Front()
// Time complexity: O(1)
if (!Empty())
return A[1]; // Return the root item (highest priority)
return default(T);
public void MakeEmpty()
// Time complexity: O(1)
count = 0;

public bool Empty()
// Time complexity: O(1)
return count == 0;

public int Size()
// Time complexity: O(1)
return count;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace COIS_Assignment2
class Node : IComparable
public char Character { get; set; }
public int Frequency { get; set; }
public Node Left { get; set; }
public Node Right { get; set; }
public Node Parent { get; set; }

public Node(char character, int frequency, Node left, Node right)
this.Character = character;
this.Frequency = frequency;
this.Left = left;
this.Right = right;

// 5 marks
public int CompareTo(Object obj)
Node node = (Node)obj;
if (this.Frequency > node.Frequency)
return 1;
else if (this.Frequency < node.Frequency)
return -1;
return 0;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace COIS_Assignment2
class Huffman
private Node HT; // Huffman tree to create codes and decode text
private Dictionary<char, string> D = new Dictionary<char, string>(); // Dictionary to encode text

// Constructor

public Huffman(string S)
int[] frequency = AnalyzeText(S);

// 15 marks
// Return the frequency of each character in the given text (invoked by Huffman)
public int[] AnalyzeText(string S)
Dictionary<char, ulong> characterCount = new Dictionary<char, ulong>();
int[] charFrequencies = new int[53];

foreach (char character in S)
if (!characterCount.ContainsKey(character))
characterCount.Add(character, 1);

Console.WriteLine("Here is the list of characters and their frequencies:");
foreach (var character in characterCount)
if (char.IsLower(Convert.ToChar(character.Key)) == true)
charFrequencies[character.Key - 'a'] = Convert.ToInt16(character.Value); //exception here when there are capital letters and spaces
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", character.Key, character.Value);
if (char.IsUpper(Convert.ToChar(character.Key)) == true)
// lowercase letters are 32 larger than uppercase
charFrequencies[character.Key -39] = Convert.ToInt16(character.Value);
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", character.Key, character.Value);
if (Convert.ToChar(character.Key) == ' ')
charFrequencies[52] = Convert.ToInt16(character.Value);
Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}", character.Key, character.Value);

Console.WriteLine("Here is the array that holds the characters");
char characterTwo;
for (int i = 0; i <charFrequencies.Length; i++)
characterTwo = Convert.ToChar(charFrequencies);

return charFrequencies;
// 20 marks
// Build a Huffman tree based on the character frequencies greater than 0 (invoked by Huffman)
public void Build(int[] letterFrequencies)
// makes a huffman tree with the character with values greater than zero
char character;
PriorityQueue<Node> PQ = new PriorityQueue<Node>(53);

if (letterFrequencies[52] > 0)
PQ.Add(new Node(' ', letterFrequencies[52], null, null));

for (int i = 0; i <= 52; i++)
if (letterFrequencies != 0)
character = Convert.ToChar(i + letterFrequencies);
PQ.Add(new Node(character, letterFrequencies, null, null));

for (int i = 'A' -39; i <= 'Z' -39; i++)
if (letterFrequencies > 0)
character = Convert.ToChar(i + letterFrequencies);
PQ.Add(new Node(character, letterFrequencies, null, null));
while (PQ.Size() > 1)
Node Left = PQ.Front();
Node Right = PQ.Front();

int frequency = Left.Frequency + Right.Frequency;
PQ.Add(new Node('5', frequency, Left, Right));
//HT = new Node('5', frequency, Left, Right);

HT = PQ.Front();
// 20 marks
// Create the code of 0s and 1s for each character by traversing the Huffman tree (invoked by Huffman)
private void CreateCodes()
// assigns the character their number values
Queue<KeyValuePair<Node, string>> queue = new Queue<KeyValuePair<Node, string>>();
queue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<Node, string>(HT, ""));

while (queue.Count != 0)
if (HT.Left == null)
D.Add(HT.Character, "0");

Node current = queue.Peek().Key;
string temp = queue.Peek().Value;
if (current.Character != '*')
D.Add(current.Character, temp); // argument unhandled
queue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<Node, string>(current.Left, temp + '0'));
queue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<Node, string>(current.Right, temp + '1'));
// 10 marks
// Encode the given text and return a string of 0s and 1s
public string Encode(string S)
// check the character values to the number assigned to them

string encodedText = "";
string dictionaryText = "";
int i = 0;
foreach (var text in D)
if (i == S.Length) { break; }
dictionaryText = text.Value;
encodedText = encodedText + dictionaryText;
i = i + 1;

return encodedText;
// 10 marks
// Decode the given string of 0s and 1s and return the original text
public string Decode(string S)
// check the number values with the character assigned to them
return S;


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