How to change the base address of the DLL using

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raghu P S
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Raghu P S

How to change the base address of the DLL using windows API.

I have tried using VirtualAllocEx() function to allocate the memory in the remote process and loaded the DLL into the remote process using CreateRemoteThread(). DLL writing into the remote process successfully but base address is different from the VirtualAllocEx() function allocated address.

// 1. Allocate memory in the remote process for szLibPath
// 2. Write szLibPath to the allocated memory
pLibRemote = ::VirtualAllocEx( hProcess, /*(LPVOID)0x10000000*/NULL, sizeof(szLibPath), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
if( pLibRemote == NULL )
return false;
::WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, pLibRemote, (void*)szLibPath,sizeof(szLibPath),NULL);

// Load ".dll" into the remote process
// (via CreateRemoteThread & LoadLibrary)
hThread = ::CreateRemoteThread( hProcess, NULL, 0,
(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ::GetProcAddress(hKernel32,"LoadLibraryA"),
pLibRemote, 0, NULL );
if( hThread == NULL )
goto JUMP;

::WaitForSingleObject( hThread, INFINITE );
// Get handle of loaded module
::GetExitCodeThread( hThread, &hLibModule );
::CloseHandle( hThread );

I have also tried using ReBaseImage() function. It changes only the image base, base address is not changing.

Please suggest me is there any API to change the base address of the DLL.



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