Returning current frame

  • Thread starter Thread starter Btb4198
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I am using Aforge VideoSourcePlayer control. I added in a zoom and a pan and both are working fine. now I need to take a copy current Frame that haves the modification from the zoom and the pan and save it to a bitmap. The problem I am having it, when I use currentPic = new Bitmap(imgWidth, imgHeight, g); my image is always blank. How can I get my same my modified frame to currentPic?

I have tried doing currentPic = new Bitmap(imgWidth, imgHeight, g); but the image is blank. it should not be blank.

private void VideoSourcePlayer_Paint( object sender, PaintEventArgs e ) { if ( !Visible ) { return; }

// is it required to update control's size/position
if ( ( needSizeUpdate ) || ( firstFrameNotProcessed ) )
UpdatePosition( );
needSizeUpdate = false;

lock ( sync )
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
Rectangle rect = this.ClientRectangle;
Pen borderPen = new Pen( borderColor, 1 );

// draw rectangle
g.DrawRectangle( borderPen, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width - 1, rect.Height - 1 );

if ( videoSource != null )
if ( ( currentFrame != null ) && ( lastMessage == null ) )
int imgWidth = (int)(this.Width * zoomFactor);
int imgHeight = (int)(this.Height * zoomFactor);
if (RecalcImage && !Panflag)
imagex = (rect.Width < imgWidth) ? (zoomPosition.X * (-1) * (zoomFactor - 1)) : (rect.Width - imgWidth) / 2;
imagey = (rect.Height < imgHeight) ? (zoomPosition.Y * (-1) * (zoomFactor - 1)) : (rect.Height - imgHeight) / 2;
RecalcImage = false;
if (RecalcImage && Panflag == true && zoomFactor >1)
// x, y are positions of the upper left of the image
// PanPosition is the position of the cursor within the ClientRectangle
// need to find PanPosition relative to the image and move that point to the center of the ClientRectangle

imagex -= (PanPosition.X - rect.Width / 2) ;
imagey -= (PanPosition.Y - rect.Height / 2) ;
if (imagex > 0)
imagex = 0;
imagey = (imagey > 0) ? 0 : imagey;

if (imagex + imgWidth < rect.Width)
imagex = rect.Width - imgWidth;

if (imagey + imgHeight < rect.Height)
imagey = rect.Height - imgHeight;

RecalcImage = false;

Bitmap frame = ( convertedFrame != null ) ? convertedFrame : currentFrame;

if ( keepRatio )
double ratio = (double) frame.Width / frame.Height;
Rectangle newRect = rect;

if ( rect.Width < rect.Height * ratio )
newRect.Height = (int) ( rect.Width / ratio );
newRect.Width = (int) ( rect.Height * ratio );

newRect.X = ( rect.Width - newRect.Width ) / 2;
newRect.Y = ( rect.Height - newRect.Height ) / 2;

g.DrawImage(currentFrame, imagex, imagey, imgWidth, imgHeight);

// g.DrawImage( frame, newRect.X + 1, newRect.Y + 1, newRect.Width - 2, newRect.Height - 2);
// draw current frame

g.DrawImage(currentFrame, imagex, imagey, imgWidth, imgHeight);

// draw current frame
// g.DrawImage( frame, rect.X + 1, rect.Y + 1, rect.Width - 2, rect.Height - 2);

firstFrameNotProcessed = false;
currentPic = new Bitmap(imgWidth, imgHeight, g);
// create font and brush
SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush( this.ForeColor );

g.DrawString( ( lastMessage == null ) ? "Connecting ..." : lastMessage,
this.Font, drawBrush, new PointF( 5, 5 ) );

drawBrush.Dispose( );


borderPen.Dispose( );


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