I have the follow code but I think there is an easier way to do it via LINQ. Could anyone help?
public string GetCssTheme(int applicationId, int themeId) {
ApplicationCss appCss = (ApplicationCss) AppCss.Where(p => p.ApplicationId == applicationId);
ThemeCss themeCss = (ThemeCss) appCss.Themes.Where(a => a.ThemeID == themeId);
return themeCss.Css;
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public string GetCssTheme(int applicationId, int themeId) {
ApplicationCss appCss = (ApplicationCss) AppCss.Where(p => p.ApplicationId == applicationId);
ThemeCss themeCss = (ThemeCss) appCss.Themes.Where(a => a.ThemeID == themeId);
return themeCss.Css;
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