If trying to read the contents of a textbox on frmMain for use in a Module:
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(frmMain.txtPrefix.Text & strSrcFldName) Then...
The line does not produce an error at design time nor crash the program when run, but when executed, the result is always False and when I put a Breakpoint & watch on "frmMain.txtPrefix.Text", VS reports the value as:
error BC30469: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.
Clearly, I've referenced the objects. The code did not cause an error when it was on the original form (I'm moving it to a Public Sub in a Module so it can be reused.) I'm not sure what to do to fix this. I remember long ago being able to reference the contents of remote forms this way.
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If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(frmMain.txtPrefix.Text & strSrcFldName) Then...
The line does not produce an error at design time nor crash the program when run, but when executed, the result is always False and when I put a Breakpoint & watch on "frmMain.txtPrefix.Text", VS reports the value as:
error BC30469: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.
Clearly, I've referenced the objects. The code did not cause an error when it was on the original form (I'm moving it to a Public Sub in a Module so it can be reused.) I'm not sure what to do to fix this. I remember long ago being able to reference the contents of remote forms this way.
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