Using Exact Globe DLLs in C# code

  • Thread starter Thread starter Igor-M
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Could someone please help me with the following issue. I’ve been programming for some time in VBA (for Excel in most cases). I wrote an app that connects to the Exact Globe databases and retrieves some data from them. The app used three DLL libraries delivered by Exact (Exact Application Programmers Interface e4slayer.dll, EDL type library sysedl32.dll, Exact SDK Connection Component CSSDKConnect.dll). The way to use them in VBA code was pretty straightforward to me. All I had to do was adding the aforementioned libraries using References in VBA menu. I enclose a sample code below to visualize the use of these libraries. The issue I have is of course related to the code below. I’ve started learning C# very recently and I’ve been trying to ‘translate’ the code from VBA to C# — ie I wanted to achieve the same functionality in C# windows form app. Unfortunately, despite going through several guides on attaching external DLLs available in the Internet, I failed to do so. So, could someone please be so kind and help me with writing a correct code that will connect to the Exact (I assume it should be possible to do using the same DLLs as I used in my VBA apps).

Sub MainApp()

Dim cEDLQuery As EdlQuery

Dim sQuery As String


ConnectToExact iError, "db_name_123", "010"


Set cEDLQuery = gEDLConnection.OpenQuery(sQuery, edlClientSnapshot, edlReadOnly, edlOptDontParse)


While Not cEDLQuery.EOF

' do something here




End Sub

Sub GlobalVariableDeclarations()

Public gSDKConnect As CSSDKConnect.SDKConnect

Public gSDKConnection As CSSDKConnect.SDKConnection

Public gEDLConnection As EDL.EdlConnection

Public cConnError As CSSDKConnect.SDKConnectionErrors ' 1000 – no errors

End Sub


' Comments: This routine is responsible for creating a connection to

' Exact Globe databases.


' Arguments: None


' Returns: None

Public Sub ConnectToExact(ByRef Error As Integer, sServerName As String, sDataBaseName As String)

Dim sProcName As String

Dim sErrorMessage As String

Error = 0

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

Dim cConnError As CSSDKConnect.SDKConnectionErrors

Set gSDKConnect = New CSSDKConnect.SDKConnect

cConnError = gSDKConnect.ConnectDirect(sServerName, sDataBaseName, gSDKConnection)

If cConnError <> ConnNoError Then

Call MsgBox("Error connecting to database" & vbNewLine & _

"SDKConnectionError: " & cConnError, vbCritical)

GoTo ErrHandler

End If

Set gEDLConnection = gSDKConnection.Environment.Connection

Exit Sub


Error = 1

End Sub


' Comments: This routine closes active connection to

' Exact Globe database.


' Arguments: None


' Returns: None

Public Sub DisconnectFromExact()

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

If Not gSDKConnection Is Nothing Then

Call gSDKConnect.Disconnect(gSDKConnection)

Set gSDKConnect = Nothing

End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error disconnecting: '" & Err.Description & "' ", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, gsAPP_NAME

End Sub

-- Igor M.

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