using arrays/loops

  • Thread starter Thread starter rowlandsfc
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im creating the game hammurabi and im stuck ive got the base game all running with the codes for inputs and everything working but im at the stage where i now need to create the results after 10 years and im having trouble storing data after each year for example i need to store the the amount of people starved for every year and then work out the average and display, my code so far is as follows

// variables
int year = 1;
int arrivals = 0;
int population = 100;
int acres = 1000;
int harvested = 0;
int rats = 5;
int trading = 18;
int ratsAte = 0;
int bushels = 2800;
int bushelsHarvested = 0;
int bushelsTrading = 0;
int plague = 0;
int starved = 0;

private void btnAllocate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


// moves the game forward a year every time the allocate button is clicked
year = year + 1;

// random amount of people come to the city
Random random = new Random();
arrivals = random.Next(1, 16);

// plague that halfs the population
Random random4 = new Random();
plague = random.Next(1, 21);
if (plague == 1)
population = population / 2;
MessageBox.Show("You were hit by a plague, half your population died");
plague = 0;


// working out the amount of people starved
if (int.Parse(txtFeeding.Text) < (22 * population / 2))
MessageBox.Show("You starved " + population);

if (int.Parse(txtFeeding.Text) >= (22 * population / 2) && int.Parse(txtFeeding.Text) < 20 * population)
starved = ((20 * population) - (int.Parse(txtFeeding.Text))) / 20;


// possibilty of rats
Random random2 = new Random();
rats = random.Next(1, 11);

if (rats == 5)
ratsAte = bushels * 10 / 100;
lblRats.Text = "Rats ate " + ratsAte + " bushels.";

ratsAte = 0;
lblRats.Text = "Rats ate 0 bushels";


// new population total
population = population + arrivals - plague - starved;

// randomised number for trading
Random random3 = new Random();
trading = random.Next(17, 27);

// calculating the amount of acres that are left
acres = acres + int.Parse(txtBuySell.Text);

//randomised number of bushels harvested per acre
Random random1 = new Random();
harvested = random.Next(1, 6);

// calculates the amount of bushels harvested and stores it in a variable

bushelsHarvested = harvested * int.Parse(txtSeed.Text);

bushels = bushels + bushelsHarvested - ratsAte - int.Parse(txtFeeding.Text) - int.Parse(txtSeed.Text);

// resets the textboxes
txtBuySell.Text = "";
txtFeeding.Text = "";
txtSeed.Text = "";

// changing the lables to show the new information remaining labels
lblBushels.Text = "You now have " + bushels;
lblNewPeople.Text = arrivals + " people came to the city.";
lblHarvest.Text = "You harvested " + harvested + " bushels per acre.";
lblPopulation.Text = "The city population is now " + population;
lblTrading.Text = "land is trading at" + trading + " bushels per acre.";
lblYear.Text = "In Year " + year + ", " + starved + " people starved.";
lblRemaining.Text = bushels + " Remaining";


private void txtBuySell_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
// buy/sell calculation
if (int.Parse(txtBuySell.Text) < 0)
bushelsTrading = Math.Abs(int.Parse(txtBuySell.Text) * trading);
else if (int.Parse(txtBuySell.Text) >= 0)
bushelsTrading = -int.Parse(txtBuySell.Text) * trading;

bushels = bushels + bushelsTrading;

// calculating the amount of acres that are left
acres = acres + int.Parse(txtBuySell.Text);

lblAcres.Text = "The city now owns " + acres + " acres.";

lblRemaining.Text = bushels + " Bushels Remaining";

private void txtFeeding_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
// warning user they dont have enough bushels
if (int.Parse(txtFeeding.Text) > bushels)
MessageBox.Show("You do not have enough bushels in store");

lblRemaining.Text = (bushels - int.Parse(txtFeeding.Text)) + " Bushels Remaining";

private void txtSeed_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
// tells user that they can not seed more than 10 seed per person
if (int.Parse(txtSeed.Text) > (10 * population))
MessageBox.Show("You can only Plant a max of 10 seeds per person");
if (int.Parse(txtSeed.Text) > acres)
MessageBox.Show("you can only plant a max of 1 bushel per acre");

lblRemaining.Text = (bushels - int.Parse(txtFeeding.Text)) + " Bushels Remaining";


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