Singleton Httpclient implementation

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I am trying to make a c# client to communicate with a Rest Api. A singleton client with generic methods to send get/post requests to the server. Only, i am not sure if it's the correct way to do it and would like to get some feedback about it:

internal class ApiClient : HttpClient
private static readonly Lazy<ApiClient> lazyApiClient =
new Lazy<ApiClient>(() => new ApiClient());
private static readonly ApiClient instance = new ApiClient();
static ApiClient() { }
private ApiClient() : base()


public static ApiClient Instance
{ get { return lazyApiClient.Value; } }

private async Task<T> SendAsyncRequest<T>(HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage) where T : IApiResponse
using (httpRequestMessage)
HttpResponseMessage response = await SendAsync(httpRequestMessage, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseContentRead)
string responeString = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
return await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<T>();

public async Task<T> Get<T>(string uriString) where T : IApiResponse
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uriString)) throw new Exception("missing request url");
HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage { Method = HttpMethod.Get, RequestUri = new Uri(uriString) };
return await SendAsyncRequest<T>(httpRequestMessage);

public async Task<T> Post<T>(string jsonContent, string uriString) where T : IApiResponse
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonContent)) throw new ArgumentNullException("missing json content");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uriString)) throw new Exception("missing request url");
StringContent stringContent = new StringContent(jsonContent, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage { Content = stringContent, Method = HttpMethod.Post, RequestUri = new Uri(uriString) };
return await SendAsyncRequest<T>(httpRequestMessage);

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