USB coding in visual basic.NET

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Hello All,

Iam trying to develop an USB Communication application in VB.Net in which My VB application will communicate with the microcontroller via USB communication. The controller chip is a TI product and they have given the required .DLL file for USB communication.
I have an example code of visual studio but it is a command line application written in Windows C language.

Iam having trouble in porting the code of Cmd application into .

I'am taking reference from J.Axelson book USB COMPLETE.
Can I include header files in application? Cmd Application code is given below

I want to understand the flowdiagram of the code needed to written in application
// usb_bulk_example.c - A very simple command line application that attempts
// to open the Generic Bulk USB device and exchange data with it.

// If the device is successfully opened, the user is prompted for a string
// which is then sent to the device. The device toggles the case of any
// alphabet characters in the the data and sends it back. We receive this
// and print out the result.
// Communication with the device is carried out via a simple DLL, lmusbdll(64),
// which is responsible for opening and closing the device and for
// sending and receiving blocks of data. This structure allows the
// application code to be kept independent of the underlying USB driver
// in use. In this implementation, Microsoft's WinUSB interface is used
// but a switch to another stack, for example the open source libusb-win32
// interface could be made merely be replacing the lmusbdll(64).dll with
// another version writing to the different USB stack.
// One downside to using WinUSB is that it requires you to have the Windows
// Device Driver Kit (DDK) installed to build applications which use the
// interface. This is a very large download making it awkward for people
// with slow internet connections. The use of lmusbdll(64).dll also offers
// the advantage that applications using it can still be modified and
// rebuilt even without the DDK installed on the development system. To
// update and rebuild lmusbdll itself, however, the DDK is still required.
#include <windows.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include "lmusbdll.h"
#include "tiva_guids.h"

// Buffer size definitions.
#define MAX_STRING_LEN 256
#define MAX_ENTRY_LEN 256
#define USB_BUFFER_LEN 1216

// The build version number
#define BLDVER ""

// The number of bytes we read and write per transaction if in echo mode.

// Buffer into which error messages are written.
TCHAR g_pcErrorString[MAX_STRING_LEN];

// The number of bytes transfered in the last measurement interval.
ULONG g_ulByteCount = 0;

// The total number of packets transfered.
ULONG g_ulPacketCount = 0;

// Return a string describing the supplied system error code.
// \param dwError is a Windows system error code.
// This function returns a pointer to a string describing the error code
// passed in the dwError parameter. If no description string can be found
// the string "Unknown" is returned.
// \return Returns a pointer to a string describing the error.
LPTSTR GetSystemErrorString(DWORD dwError)
DWORD dwRetcode;

// Ask Windows for the error message description.
dwRetcode = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, "%0", dwError, 0,
g_pcErrorString, MAX_STRING_LEN, NULL);

if(dwRetcode == 0)
// Remove the trailing "\n\r" if present.
if(dwRetcode >= 2)
if(g_pcErrorString[dwRetcode - 2] == '\r')
g_pcErrorString[dwRetcode - 2] = '\0';


// Print the throughput in terms of Kbps once per second.
void UpdateThroughput(void)
static ULONG ulStartTime = 0;
static ULONG ulLast = 0;
ULONG ulNow;
ULONG ulElapsed;

// Get the current system time.
ulNow = (((((sSysTime.wHour * 60) +
sSysTime.wMinute) * 60) +
sSysTime.wSecond) * 1000) + sSysTime.wMilliseconds;

// If this is the first call, set the start time.
if(ulStartTime == 0)
ulStartTime = ulNow;
ulLast = ulNow;

// How much time has elapsed since the last measurement?
ulElapsed = (ulNow > ulStartTime) ? (ulNow - ulStartTime) : (ulStartTime - ulNow);

// We dump a new measurement every second.
if(ulElapsed > 1000)

printf("\r%6dKbps Packets: %10d ", ((g_ulByteCount * 8) / ulElapsed), g_ulPacketCount);
g_ulByteCount = 0;
ulStartTime = ulNow;

// The main application entry function.
// \param None.
// This function forms the main entry point of the example application. It
// initializes the USB bulk device, prompts the user for an ASCII string,
// sends this string to the device, reads the response from the device (which
// will be the same string with the character order reversed if using the
// sample device provided in TivaWare) and displays the returned string.
// \return Set the exit code to 0 of no errors cause the application to end
// or a non-zero value otherwise.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
BOOL bResult;
BOOL bDriverInstalled;
BOOL bEcho;
char szBuffer[USB_BUFFER_LEN];
ULONG ulWritten;
ULONG ulRead;
ULONG ulLength;
DWORD dwError;

// Are we operating in echo mode or not? The "-e" parameter tells the
// app to echo everything it receives back to the device unchanged.
bEcho = ((argc > 1) && (argv[1][1] == 'e')) ? TRUE : FALSE;

// Print a cheerful welcome.
printf("\nBulk USB Device Example\n");
printf( "-----------------------\n\n");
printf("Version %s\n\n", BLDVER);
printf("This is a partner application to the usb_dev_bulk example\n");
printf("shipped with TivaWare software releases for USB-enabled\n");
printf("boards. Strings entered here are sent to the board which\n");
printf("inverts the case of the characters in the string and returns\n");
printf("them to the host.\n\n");
printf("If run with the \"-e\" command line switch, this application\n");
printf("echoes all data received on the bulk IN endpoint to the bulk\n");
printf("OUT endpoint. This feature may be helpful during development\n");
printf("and debug of your own USB devices. Note that this will not\n");
printf("do anything exciting if run with the usb_dev_bulk example\n");
printf("device attached since it expects the host to initiate transfers.\n\n");

// Find our USB device and prepare it for communication.
hUSB = InitializeDevice(BULK_VID, BULK_PID,

// Are we operating in echo mode or not? The "-e" parameter tells the
// app to echo everything it receives back to the device unchanged.
// Yes - we are in echo mode.
printf("Running in echo mode. Press Ctrl+C to exit.\n\n");

// Read a block of data from the device.
dwError = ReadUSBPacket(hUSB, szBuffer, ECHO_PACKET_SIZE, &ulRead,

if(dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
// We failed to read from the device.
printf("\n\nError %d (%S) reading from bulk IN pipe.\n", dwError,
// Update our byte and packet counters.
g_ulByteCount += ulRead;

// Write the data back out to the device.
bResult = WriteUSBPacket(hUSB, szBuffer, ulRead, &ulWritten);
// We failed to write the data for some reason.
dwError = GetLastError();
printf("\n\nError %d (%S) writing to bulk OUT pipe.\n", dwError,

// Display the throughput.
// We are running in normal mode. Keep sending and receiving
// strings until the user indicates that it is time to exit.

// The device was found and successfully configured. Now get a string from
// the user...
printf("\nEnter a string (EXIT to exit): ");
fgets(szBuffer, MAX_ENTRY_LEN, stdin);

// How many characters were entered (including the trailing '\n')?
ulLength = (ULONG)strlen(szBuffer);

if(ulLength <= 1)
// The string is either nothing at all or a single '\n' so reprompt the user.
printf("\nPlease enter some text.\n");
ulLength = 0;
// Get rid of the trailing '\n' if there is one there.
if(szBuffer[ulLength - 1] == '\n')
szBuffer[ulLength - 1] = '\0';
while(ulLength == 0);

// Are we being asked to exit the application?
if(!(strcmp("EXIT", szBuffer)))
// Yes - drop out and exit.
printf("Exiting on user request.\n");

// Write the user's string to the device.
bResult = WriteUSBPacket(hUSB, szBuffer, ulLength, &ulWritten);
// We failed to write the data for some reason.
dwError = GetLastError();
printf("Error %d (%S) writing to bulk OUT pipe.\n", dwError,
// We wrote data successfully so now read it back.
printf("Wrote %d bytes to the device. Expected %d\n",
ulWritten, ulLength);

// We expect the same number of bytes as we just sent.
dwError = ReadUSBPacket(hUSB, szBuffer, ulWritten, &ulRead,

if(dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
// We failed to read from the device.
printf("Error %d (%S) reading from bulk IN pipe.\n", dwError,
// Add a string terminator to the returned data (this
// should already be there but, just in case...)
szBuffer[ulRead] = '\0';

printf("Read %d bytes from device. Expected %d\n",
ulRead, ulWritten);
printf("\nReturned string: \"%s\"\n", szBuffer);
// An error was reported while trying to connect to the device.
dwError = GetLastError();

printf("\nUnable to initialize the Bulk USB Device.\n");
printf("Error code is %d (%S)\n\n", dwError, GetSystemErrorString(dwError));
printf("Please make sure you have a USB-enabled Tiva evaluation\n");
printf("or development kit running the usb_dev_bulk example\n");
printf("application connected to this system via the \"USB OTG\" or\n");
printf("\"USB DEVICE\" connectors. Once the device is connected, run\n");
printf("this application again.\n\n");

printf("\nPress \"Enter\" to exit: ");
fgets(szBuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN, stdin);



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