Karel Pokorny
i have a simple app, that's creating a Powershell runspace:
var iis = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault();
iis.ExecutionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.Unrestricted;
iis.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
iis.ThreadOptions = PSThreadOptions.UseNewThread;
iis.DisableFormatUpdates = true;
m_Settings = new PSInvocationSettings
Host = new PSHostProxy(new PSUIStub()),
m_RunspacePool = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspacePool(iis);
m_RunspacePool.CleanupInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10);
And then uses it to execute several PowerShell scripts. Each RUN is invoked by external event (runs in another thread) and happens ussualy with 20-50 seconds after the foregoing RUN:
foreach(var scriptName in scripts)
var ps = PowerShell.Create();
ps.RunspacePool = m_RunspacePool;
var input = new PSDataCollection<string>();
ps.AddCommand(Path.Combine(scriptPath, scriptName));
// Call
ps.Invoke(input, m_Output, m_Settings);
ps = null;
And memory usage of this keeps raising during the run, although the scripts are always the same and even their results are the same. Each cycle creates a bunch (well like thousands of them, but i suppose the number is given by length of the executed scripts...) of SessionStateCmdLetEntry and those are never disposed and GCed, because of reference by a TimerCallback created by RunspacePoolInternal. This can take up to 1GB of memory per day...
Does anyone have tips, what else should I dispose or clear to avoid stashing the SessionStateCmdLetEntries? Or any workarounds for this?
I just need a long running process, that invokes several Powershell scripts and does not eat up memory.. I've also tried not reusing the RunSpacePool and creating a new Runspace for each RUN and even for each script, but it did not help at all...
Thanks for any help...
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i have a simple app, that's creating a Powershell runspace:
var iis = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault();
iis.ExecutionPolicy = ExecutionPolicy.Unrestricted;
iis.LanguageMode = PSLanguageMode.FullLanguage;
iis.ThreadOptions = PSThreadOptions.UseNewThread;
iis.DisableFormatUpdates = true;
m_Settings = new PSInvocationSettings
Host = new PSHostProxy(new PSUIStub()),
m_RunspacePool = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspacePool(iis);
m_RunspacePool.CleanupInterval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10);
And then uses it to execute several PowerShell scripts. Each RUN is invoked by external event (runs in another thread) and happens ussualy with 20-50 seconds after the foregoing RUN:
foreach(var scriptName in scripts)
var ps = PowerShell.Create();
ps.RunspacePool = m_RunspacePool;
var input = new PSDataCollection<string>();
ps.AddCommand(Path.Combine(scriptPath, scriptName));
// Call
ps.Invoke(input, m_Output, m_Settings);
ps = null;
And memory usage of this keeps raising during the run, although the scripts are always the same and even their results are the same. Each cycle creates a bunch (well like thousands of them, but i suppose the number is given by length of the executed scripts...) of SessionStateCmdLetEntry and those are never disposed and GCed, because of reference by a TimerCallback created by RunspacePoolInternal. This can take up to 1GB of memory per day...
Does anyone have tips, what else should I dispose or clear to avoid stashing the SessionStateCmdLetEntries? Or any workarounds for this?
I just need a long running process, that invokes several Powershell scripts and does not eat up memory.. I've also tried not reusing the RunSpacePool and creating a new Runspace for each RUN and even for each script, but it did not help at all...
Thanks for any help...
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