Yordy Corrales
I need to get if there are errors in the third party application form. i'm trying to get the message of the "ErrorProvider" control. but my investigation goes like this:
1-Asking how can i get access to controls in another application: I can get the controls by using UI Automation, actually i can set and get values from external controls.
2-UI Automation can't get the properties for ErrorProvider (UI Automation Support for Standard Controls)... so I started to ask how can i get the .net properties for controls that are from external application like TestComplete app does (image at the end)(Actual question)
3- Also i researched about DLL Injection and DLL Ejection to explore the external process and controls of the third party app form and get the information. I can get that information, but the external program crash and i can't make it more than 1 time. I need to get the errors just to check that automation process its ok.
What im looking for? im making an automation tool that i need to stop when there is an error on screen, specifically, ErrorProvider. Just that. How can i do that?
I had tested applications like "TestComplete" that can get information (.net properties) of a single object... how can they get that information? Any Idea to research? some DLL or maybe a Library?
This is an actual image from TestComplete:

Yordy Corrales
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1-Asking how can i get access to controls in another application: I can get the controls by using UI Automation, actually i can set and get values from external controls.
2-UI Automation can't get the properties for ErrorProvider (UI Automation Support for Standard Controls)... so I started to ask how can i get the .net properties for controls that are from external application like TestComplete app does (image at the end)(Actual question)
3- Also i researched about DLL Injection and DLL Ejection to explore the external process and controls of the third party app form and get the information. I can get that information, but the external program crash and i can't make it more than 1 time. I need to get the errors just to check that automation process its ok.
What im looking for? im making an automation tool that i need to stop when there is an error on screen, specifically, ErrorProvider. Just that. How can i do that?
I had tested applications like "TestComplete" that can get information (.net properties) of a single object... how can they get that information? Any Idea to research? some DLL or maybe a Library?
This is an actual image from TestComplete:

Yordy Corrales
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