We have an application that tries to scan though AD to identify each user by group, but we have a new group that appears not to be selected. We've been unable to spot any differences between the setup of the groups which are selected and the new group which is not. Can anyone suggest what we might have missed ?
Here's how we scan AD Using system.DirectoryServices -
Dim strGroupNames() As String = {String.Empty}
Dim objRoot As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry(m_sADConnection)
Dim objSearcher As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(objRoot)
Dim objGroups As SearchResultCollection
Dim objGroup As SearchResult
Dim strGroupName As String = String.Empty
Dim intLastChar As Integer = 0
Dim intLength As Integer = 0
Dim intCount As Integer = 0
'define search so it only returns groups
objSearcher.Filter = "(objectCategory=group)"
'get results
objGroups = objSearcher.FindAll
For Each objGroup In objGroups
'get full group name inc ldap path
strGroupName = objGroup.Path
'strip out unwanted data
intLastChar = strGroupName.IndexOf(",OU")
If intLastChar > -1 Then
strGroupName = strGroupName.Substring(10, intLastChar - 10)
If strGroupName <> String.Empty Then
'Re-dimension array and add group
intCount += 1
ReDim Preserve strGroupNames(intCount)
strGroupNames(intCount - 1) = strGroupName
End If
End If
Return strGroupNames
The group that is not being selected is set up this:
Distinguished name= CN=Our Group Name,OU=Default Groups & User Accounts,DC=CompanyName,DC=com
Object category = CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=CompanyName,DC=com
objectClass= top; group
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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We have an application that tries to scan though AD to identify each user by group, but we have a new group that appears not to be selected. We've been unable to spot any differences between the setup of the groups which are selected and the new group which is not. Can anyone suggest what we might have missed ?
Here's how we scan AD Using system.DirectoryServices -
Dim strGroupNames() As String = {String.Empty}
Dim objRoot As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry(m_sADConnection)
Dim objSearcher As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(objRoot)
Dim objGroups As SearchResultCollection
Dim objGroup As SearchResult
Dim strGroupName As String = String.Empty
Dim intLastChar As Integer = 0
Dim intLength As Integer = 0
Dim intCount As Integer = 0
'define search so it only returns groups
objSearcher.Filter = "(objectCategory=group)"
'get results
objGroups = objSearcher.FindAll
For Each objGroup In objGroups
'get full group name inc ldap path
strGroupName = objGroup.Path
'strip out unwanted data
intLastChar = strGroupName.IndexOf(",OU")
If intLastChar > -1 Then
strGroupName = strGroupName.Substring(10, intLastChar - 10)
If strGroupName <> String.Empty Then
'Re-dimension array and add group
intCount += 1
ReDim Preserve strGroupNames(intCount)
strGroupNames(intCount - 1) = strGroupName
End If
End If
Return strGroupNames
The group that is not being selected is set up this:
Distinguished name= CN=Our Group Name,OU=Default Groups & User Accounts,DC=CompanyName,DC=com
Object category = CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=CompanyName,DC=com
objectClass= top; group
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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