Thomas Andreas Kocher
Visual Studio 2015 migration from X86 to X64: CComPtr<T>::CoCreateInstance has erre Class is not registered
since we migrated our project from X86 to X64 i get the the runtime error Class is not registerd when i want to use my dcom class. The error occurs when i want to create the CComPtr>T) with CoCreateInstance. I could register the dlll containing this class with regsv32, an i also used the 64 Bit Version of regsv32 ( the one under C:\Windows\System32 and not the one under C:\Windows\SysWOW64). How can i make sure tat my dcom class is registered correctly. Is this registration only in the Windows registry? when yes which registry key are needed an can i create the manually? Some other dcom classes work correct ( the use a different dll)
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since we migrated our project from X86 to X64 i get the the runtime error Class is not registerd when i want to use my dcom class. The error occurs when i want to create the CComPtr>T) with CoCreateInstance. I could register the dlll containing this class with regsv32, an i also used the 64 Bit Version of regsv32 ( the one under C:\Windows\System32 and not the one under C:\Windows\SysWOW64). How can i make sure tat my dcom class is registered correctly. Is this registration only in the Windows registry? when yes which registry key are needed an can i create the manually? Some other dcom classes work correct ( the use a different dll)
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