How to speed up my iteration in list of data and finding data in another datatable

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sudip_inn
  • Start date Start date


see my code first

private void UpdateCommentFirst(string strCommentPath, string TickerName)
int counter = 0;
bool QcViewAllFileExist = false;
bool QcCommentFileExist = false;
bool AllowUpdate = false;
string savepath = Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OutputPath"]).Trim() + TickerName + "\\" + TickerName + "_QC-ViewwAll.xml";
DataSet QCCommentstmp = new DataSet();
DataSet QCViewAlltmp = new DataSet();

if (File.Exists(strCommentPath))
QcCommentFileExist = true;

if (File.Exists(savepath))
QcViewAllFileExist = true;

if (QcCommentFileExist && QcViewAllFileExist)
if (QCCommentstmp.Tables.Count > 0)
if (!QCCommentstmp.Tables[0].Columns.Contains("IgnoreData"))
AllowUpdate = true;

if (AllowUpdate)

List<clsCommentPopup> QCCommentlist = QCCommentstmp.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
.Select(row => new clsCommentPopup
bolFollowUP = (row.Field<string>("FollowUP")) == null ? false : Convert.ToBoolean((row.Field<string>("FollowUP"))),
bolThisPeriod = (row.Field<string>("ThisPeriod")) == null ? false : Convert.ToBoolean((row.Field<string>("ThisPeriod"))),
Formula = (row.Field<string>("Formula")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("Formula")),
ModelValue = (row.Field<string>("ModelValue")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("ModelValue")),
ExternalComment = (row.Field<string>("ExternalComment")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("ExternalComment")),
InternalComment = (row.Field<string>("InternalComment")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("InternalComment")),
strEndPeriod = (row.Field<string>("EndPeriod")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("EndPeriod")),
strStartPeriod = (row.Field<string>("StartPeriod")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("StartPeriod")),
PeriodType = (row.Field<string>("PeriodType")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("PeriodType")),
SectionFor = (row.Field<string>("Section")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("Section")),
LiFor = (row.Field<string>("LineItem")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("LineItem")),
QcPeriodFor = (row.Field<string>("QcPeriod")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("QcPeriod")),
BrokerFor = (row.Field<string>("BrokerFor")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("BrokerFor")),
PeriodCollection = (row.Field<string>("PeriodCollection")) == null ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("PeriodCollection")),
boolIgnoreValue = (row.Field<string>("IgnoreValue")) == null ? false : Convert.ToBoolean((row.Field<string>("IgnoreValue"))),
IgnoreData = (!QCCommentstmp.Tables[0].Columns.Contains("IgnoreData") ? string.Empty : (row.Field<string>("IgnoreData") == null ? string.Empty : row.Field<string>("IgnoreData")))

if (QCCommentlist != null)
foreach (var comment in QCCommentlist)
string section = comment.SectionFor;
string li = comment.LiFor;
string broker = comment.BrokerFor;
string period = comment.PeriodCollection;
string strQCPeriodValue = "";

if (comment.boolIgnoreValue && period.Trim() != "")
var QcViewColumnName = QCViewAlltmp.Tables[0].Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().AsParallel()
.Where(x => x.ColumnName.Contains(period))
.Select(x => new { x.ColumnName }).FirstOrDefault();

if (QcViewColumnName != null)
period = QcViewColumnName.ColumnName;

if (period.Trim() != "")
var datarow = QCViewAlltmp.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().AsParallel()
.Where(row => row.Field<string>("GroupKey").Split('~')[0].ToUpper() == section.ToUpper()
&& row.Field<string>("GroupKey").Split('~')[1].ToUpper() == li.ToUpper()
&& row.Field<string>("Section ").ToUpper() == broker.ToUpper());

if (datarow != null && datarow.Count() > 0)
strQCPeriodValue = (datarow.FirstOrDefault()[period] != null ? datarow.FirstOrDefault()[period].ToString() : string.Empty);
if (strQCPeriodValue.Trim() != string.Empty)
comment.IgnoreData = strQCPeriodValue;


1) loading data from xml file into dataset.

2) if ignoredata field is there in QCCommentstmp dataset table QCCommentstmp.Tables[0].Columns.Contains("IgnoreData") then deserialize QCCommentstmp table data to list List<clsCommentPopup> QCCommentlist

3) iterate in QCCommentlist data for loop and finding data in QCViewAlltmp.Tables[0]

4) when QCCommentlist has 25000 data then i am iterating in all 25000 data and finding data in another datatable. if data found then i am updating data in list. this process is getting very slow and code is taking long time to finish all the iteration and searching data in datatable.

please review my code and tell me how to restructure my code as a result there will be improvement in code execution speed.

if my approach is wrong then guide me with right approach and also give me relevant code which i can use in my above code as a result my routine will take minimum time to finish if i iterate in more than 25000 data. looking for suggestion & better code to achieve the same task. thanks

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