Coding a Hangman game in C#

  • Thread starter Thread starter shokocha
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I'm in my Visual Studio.NET class and we have been tasked to code a game of Hangman in C#. They gave certain instructions to use while loops and utilize arrays and Substrings. However, I'm still extremely confused on how to solve the problem. My code seems to run barely until I enter an incorrect letter. See, if I start the game entering an incorrect letter, it identifies it as wrong. But if I enter a correct letter before then enter an incorrect letter, it doesn't show as incorrect. I'm extremely stressed and have tried coding this a bunch of times, and this is the closest to a functional game I could come up with. If anyone can offer advice/fix my code, that would be amazing!

string userInput;
bool win = false, doublesChecker = false, tripleCheck = false;
int winPoint = 0, losePoint = 0;

//asking for userinput
Console.WriteLine("Enter a word. Make sure all letters are lowercase.");
userInput = Console.ReadLine();

//putting the userinput in an array
string[] newName = new string[userInput.Length];

//creating an array for all the letters guessed
string[] guessedLetters = new string[26];

//Another random string array to hold 26 letters
string[] space = new string[26];

//Puts each letter of userinput into the Name array
for (int i = 0; i < userInput.Length; i++)
newName = userInput.Substring(i, 1);

//Creating an array for blanks
string[] hiddenWord = new string[userInput.Length];
for (int h = 0; h < userInput.Length; h++)
hiddenWord[h] = "_ ";

//Creating array to store wrong guess pictures (different parts of hangman) in
string[] wrongChoices = new string[7];
for (int w = 0; w < 7; w++)
wrongChoices = HangDudes(w);

//makes an array to check if guess letter fits
bool[] checkingGuess = new bool[userInput.Length];

while (win == false && losePoint < 6)
Console.Write("Letters Guessed: ");
for (int g = 0; g < 6; g++)
Console.Write(space[g] + " ");
Console.Write(guessedLetters[g] + "");

for (int s = 0; s < userInput.Length; s++)

string guess = GuessFunction();

//creating a loop to check all the guesses
for (int l = 0; l < userInput.Length; l++)
if (guess == hiddenWord[l])
doublesChecker = true;
else if (guess == newName[l])
tripleCheck = true;
hiddenWord[l] = guess;
guessedLetters[winPoint] = guess;


if (winPoint != userInput.Length)
win = false;
win = true;

for (int m = 0; m <= 5; m++)
if (guess == space[m])
doublesChecker = true;
if (tripleCheck == true)
Console.WriteLine (guess+" fits in.");
else if (tripleCheck == false)
Console.WriteLine("not good..");
space[losePoint] = guess;

else if (doublesChecker == true)
Console.WriteLine("Double inputted.Please enter another letter.");

//Deciding win/lose
if (win == true)
Console.WriteLine("Pretty sharp. You won!");
Console.WriteLine("Oof, tough luck. The correct answer was: " + newName);
//function to ask for a guess
static string GuessFunction()
Console.WriteLine("Enter a letter(just one): ");
returnInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
int check = returnInput.Length;
while (check > 1)
Console.WriteLine("More than one letter typed, please try again!");
Console.Write("> ");
returnInput = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
check = returnInput.Length;
return returnInput;


static string[] HangDudes(int a)
string[] dudes = { @"
| |
=========", @"
| |
O |
=========", @"
| |
O |
| |
=========", @"
| |
O |
/| |
=========", @"
| |
O |
/|\ |
=========", @"
| |
O |
/|\ |
/ |
=========", @"
| |
O |
/|\ |
/ \ |
=========" };
return dudes;



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