an item with the same key has already been added c#

  • Thread starter Thread starter vijaykrishna y
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vijaykrishna y

I am getting this error randomly at the production server here is the stack trace of the error. I am
using linq to sql (Telerik) and .net 4.0

Error:An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at Telerik.OpenAccess.DBRegistry.GetDatabase(String urlOrConnectionId, Configuration&

at Telerik.OpenAccess.Database.Get(String connectionString, BackendConfiguration

backendConfiguration, MetadataContainer metadataContainer)
at Telerik.OpenAccess.OpenAccessContextBase.GetScope()
at Access.AccessFramework.AppRelated.GetWebServiceByCode(String webserviceCode)
at Access.AccessFramework.AppRelated.AddWebServiceLogEntry(String clientAppCode, String

ipAddress, String webserviceCode)
at AccessFramework.WebServices.ServiceAuth.GetEServiceByCode(String CallerAppId, String

AuthorizationKey, String EServiceCode, String UserName)

Below is the code for AccessFramework.WebServices.ServiceAuth.GetEServiceByCode(string webserviceCode):

private DWA0202WEBSERVICE GetWebServiceByCode(string webserviceCode)

EntitiesModel context = EntityContext.GetAccessContext();
DWA0202WEBSERVICE srv = (from c in context.DWA0202WEBSERVICEs where c.DWA0202WEBSERVICE_CODE == webserviceCode select c).SingleOrDefault();


Below is the GetAccessContext method:

public class EntityContext


static EntitiesModel _appAccessContext;

public static EntitiesModel GetAccessContext()


_appAccessContext = new EntityModel();

return _appAccessContext



Any body help on this issue please ?

IE 255 char path

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