In VS2017 the VC++ compiler had support for a C++ standard preprocessor, rather than Microsoft's default C++ non-standard preprocessor of some 30 years standing, using the compiler option "/experimental
reprocessor". Despite still having bugs for this C++ standard preprocessor, for which as the maintainer of the Boost Preprocessor library and the author of the Boost VMD library I had created bug reports, it was at least an attempt to actually create a C++ standard conforming preprocessor. I looked in the compiler options for the VS2019 VC++ compiler but found no mention of the "/experimental
reprocessor" compiler option. Nor did I find any documentation in the VC++ online documentation for turning on C++ standard preprocessor support for VC++ in VS2019. Is C++ standard preprocessing support supported in VS2019 VC++ ? If so how is this done fromj the command line compiler ?
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