When switching active window(windows explore window) to my application window, Title bar changes to OS standard UI in windows 7

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thirupathi Yadav
  • Start date Start date

Thirupathi Yadav

I have implemented customize window in my application .When switching between windows explorer window in minimized mode to my application window then the Title bar changes to OS standard UI in windows 7. Find the attached screenshots for reference. To fix the above mentioned issue i made the window style to "None" then the application is occupying full screen display(taskbar is not visible) and i have tried to some other solution to prevent full screen display to make to fit into primary screen display(making Task bar visible) by using following of the external libraries.

public static extern bool GetMonitorInfo(HandleRef hmonitor, [In, Out] MONITORINFOEX monitorInfo);

internal static extern IntPtr MonitorFromWindow(IntPtr handle, int flags);

But window is not resizing properly while resizing customized button such as minimize ,maximize and close are collapsing and when i use window minimized functionality "Windows + M" my application is not minimizing at all.



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